The Girl and The Butterfly

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This prose poem may seem like it isn't related to Elton John, but stick to the end and you'll understand how he inspired the entire thing. This is an autobiographical story poem.

A girl sits and waits, by the edge of her bed
Holding her breath with clouds overhead
The butterfly, he flies, to land in her room
With the girl on her bed ready to bloom
When he lands on her shoulder, he's soft and he's neat
She's mesmerized with awe, he shows her his wings
And he flies around her, and tells her to soar away
But the girl is bedridden, and she's sick for the day

When the moon hangs down lowly, the girl is awake
She thinks of the butterfly and then her heart aches
How she dreams to fly, to soar the depths of the sky
To find a love of her own, to meet the sweetest guy
She dreams of a lover whom she doesn't even know
He smiles with passion, his eyes shine like rainbows
But she's all alone, sending her prayers for the night
As she packs her bags for the early morning flight

In the midst of her sleep, there's a pain in her chest
An urgent trouble that must be addressed
There's a butterfly inside, that's waiting to release
The joys of a love that make loneliness cease
As her nightmare subsides, her eyes open wide
To a brand new bright day; to follow the sunrise
She grabs her suitcase, and she puts on her shoes
Down the yellow brick road, the girl finds her rescue

The butterfly emerges from the sky's endless depths
He flutters his wings, he helps her first steps
For now she grows wings, making progress to the sky
With the help of a gentle, brave butterfly
Now the girl is in a heaven of which she's not aware
The girl and the butterfly glide through the air
A new soul approaches, he's a strange looking being
He's a man of bright colors, but he flies with no wings

"This man is for you, as you are for him
You're made for each other; no futures grow dim"
The girl looked at the butterfly, "How could this be?
He doesn't even have wings to fly high with me."
But the butterfly was gone, he left with the sun
The day rolled to an end, but she wasn't the only one
Now the girl looked at the man, under the stars
She wonder how he would ever help her go far

"Are your wings gone?" The girl shyly asked
For she remember she once had none in the past
The man stepped forward, he held out his hand
And the girl softly took it, to travel his land
"I do have wings." The man smiled with glee
"They're wings deep inside; the ones you can't see."
He placed her fragile hand next to his heart,
"And I can't wait to show you the very best part."

The girl was eager to see what he did mean
Though she was still nervous at the age of eighteen
But she put down all her faith, love and her trust
Into this man through the heavy stardust
"I'll show you my wings," The man did say
"If you allow me to give you my love in this way"
She jumped up in shock, this hadn't happened before
The man of her dreams had now washed ashore

In an instant of heartbreak, joy and confusion
She couldn't believe this wasn't an illusion
The girl lied down, so close to his chest
And the man snuggled sweetly beside her breast
The first time she felt it, was then that she knew
She was in love with an angel of a man that was true
For then he kissed her; breaking themselves free
Luck wasn't present, it was just meant to be

Suddenly in romance, the man was in pain
The same pain of loneliness the girl felt in vain
"What's wrong, my dear?" The girl was shaken
But the man convinced she was surely mistaken
He traced his hand to his heart, "Nothing's wrong...
I've shown you my wings, and wrote you a song.
Kiss again with dignity, if it's the last thing we do
You're stuck with me now, and I'll always love you."

Now bare and exposed, their story was told
Of a girl and a man with such love to behold

Poem Background
If the poem's message was unclear, let me address it to you this way.

Essentially, this girl is stuck at home, and stuck in her head. She cannot explore the world because she is lost, confused, and doesn't know what her future holds for her. She knows she wants to experience love, but she isn't sure how to get it. Then the butterfly comes along. The butterfly keeps encouraging her to make her dreams a reality. He wants to see her conquer her life and lift off. He inspires her until she begins to have nightmares, realizing she needs to do somehting fast before the nightmares of pain swallow her own life.So she sets off the very next day, taking her first step into the big world. She opens up, and allows the butterfly to guide her to the sky, as she learns things about her own life that she never really knew. She realized that even a shy young girl like her can reach the stars.
It is when she's at her highest point in life, doing what she loves (which to many would be considered like a heaven), is when she meets this man. She first judges him by the cover, thinking that he was too insecure and undetermined like her, due to his lack of visible wings. She is further shocked when the butterfly insists that this man is right for her.
But she gives in and gets to know the man on her own, curious to see his true wings. When he offers to give her the love that she was so desperate for in return to see his wings, she realizes that she was being hypocritical and judgemental towards this man. She was taking her own happiness and freedom for granted, and assumed that if a person didn't have these visible wings like her, that they were unsuccessful.
So when the man made love to her and showed her who he really was, the girl learned that success wasn't always reaching your biggest dream, or even meeting the perfect man. She learned through him that success and personal happiness comes from deep within- sharing your passion with others, as he did to her. It wasn't just a story about a girl meeting the man of her dreams, or conquering her loneliness, or anything in between. It was more of a story that tells the importance of giving what you've got to help the needs of other people. And helping someone is always success.

In my own personal life, I am the girl, the butterfly is Elton's music, and the man is Elton John himself. It tells the same story but Elton's music was the messenger like the the butterfly, inspiring me to change my life. The music brought me to the man himself. And of course I've never even met Elton, so he couldn't physically make love to me, but in a spiritual, soulful sort of way, he definitely has. I've learned some of the most vulnerable, deepest life lessons through him, in addition to me learning about myself in new ways also. 

And that's how the poem is about Elton John.  

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