Party Time (Shino x Reader Lemon)

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A/N: Hello, guys. This is like a lemon 7 minutes in heaven and like other games fic. If you have any ideas for fanfics just tell me. Also, I know this isn't up on New Years because I didn't have time to finish it (believe me I tried.) But I got to almost 800 words so I didn't wanna just throw it away. Whoops. Also, I'm a sinner hehe. Also I highly stress the warnings on this one. I got very carried away (hence why it took so long to complete).

~~Warning: Smut/BDSM + Cursing (bad words)~~

You wake up to the sound of tapping and giggling. It's December 31st, New Year's Eve. You go to open up your door. "Hey, guys." You say groggily to, TenTen, Ino, Hinata, and Sakura. TenTen says, "Hello, y/n. Happy New Years Eve." You ask, "What are you guys doing here?" Hinata says, "W-well w-we decided t-to h-host a p-party and w-we were wondering where you w-want t-to h-have it." You say, "Oh, my place is fine if you want. Who are we going to invite?" Sakura says, "Sasuke" very dreamily and starts daydreaming. Ino says, "Billboard brow he's mine!" Sakura says, "He's mine Ino-pig." You say, "Guys make up or no party and I'll make sure Sasuke doesn't like either of you." They go wide-eyed and look away. TenTen says, "ooooh, y/n how 'bout Shino?" You blush and say very quietly, "I'm fine with that."

Truth is, you've always had a crush on Shino. Ever since you were in the academy he has interested you. That boy is a mystery. You've always wanted to know what's under that jacket and those sunglasses and you're going to find out somehow. Whatever it takes you will find out what he looks like.

You say, "Let's invite everyone from teams 7, 8, 10 and guy." They all nod. "Also, guys I have an idea." Ino says, "What is it?" "Do you guys, wanna have some fun tonight?" Sakura says, "Yes, what do you have in mind?" Hinata rubs her fingers together. You say, "Have you ever wondered what Shino looks like?" They all nod. "Do you guys want to find out?"

~~Timeskip to le party~~

"Hey." You say as the girls come in at 4. You told the guys to come at 4:30 so you could talk to the girls at 4. Sakura asks, "So what's the plan?" You say, "Ok, so first we play twister to see if his glasses may fall off. Then, we play 7 minutes in heaven. You probably know why. In a hat, I'm putting pieces of paper with our names on them. On Shino's, I'm putting tape so we can easily identify which one is his... Also, who's getting Shino in 7 minutes in heaven." Ino says, "How 'bout you get him? You do have a massive crush on him." You blush and say, "I'm ok with that." We all laugh.

~~Timeskip to when the boys arrive~~

Naruto and Sasuke come in together and Naruto says, "I'm here! Believe it!" Sakura sighs. Sasuke says, "Can you shut up for once?" Sakura and Ino say, "HES SO HOT!" They glare at each other. Kiba, Neji, Lee and Shino arrive. They stand at the door for a minute until Choji, and Shikamaru arrive at exactly 4:30. You say, "oi Shika Choji you guys made it." Choji says, "So, what kind of food do you have?" You laugh and say, "Your favorite chips, and pizza and cake, later." He says, "Thanks, y/n. You're the best." And starts eating chips. "Hey, Shikamaru." You say. He says, "Hey, y/n. I gotta catch up with Choji or he'll eat the whole house. Catch ya later."

Neji says, "Hello, y/n." He walks past you and into the house. Lee says, "Hello, y/n. This party is the height of our youth." He walks away excitedly. You pet Akamaru and Kiba says, "Hey!" and gets into the party. Shino is the last one in the house because he was waiting for everyone else to get in. He looks away from you. You blush and say, "Hello there, Shino." He says, "Hello." You say, "Wanna join the party with me?" And blush furiously. He says, "I'd be happy to but y/n, why are you blushing?" You say, "I erm, I guess I kinda, erm I was just, I uh am just hot right now, yeah I'm just hot." Shino says, "You're a bad liar." I laugh nervously and say, "c'mon lets go." I grab his hand and turn around for half a second to see a bit of a blush on his cheeks.

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