Beauty in the Fourth Wall (Shino x Reader Fluff)

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Omj! (Jashin) I'm so happy! littlejadelady Has allowed me to use this in my book so if you're reading this, please follow her. She's amazing and so nice and she really deserves all your follows. Again, I did not write this. This is littlejadelady 's writing, not my own. All credit goes to her. Also, this is not her song. It's from the musical Starship and written by Darren Criss.

"The forest is always so peaceful." You smile as you leap from tree branch to tree branch. You stop in a clearing and sit down. "I've been running all day... time for a break then it is back to the village." As you sitting there a weird looking bug lands on your arm. "ew! Gross!" you go to squish it but someone behind you grabs your hand. "Don't it's one of mine..." You turn around and see the weird bug boy shino from back in your days at ninja school. You hadn't seen him in a few years but you never really thought he was the special. "shino? Wow you've gotten tall..." you blink at him surprised. He seems so different now since last time you saw him. Shino takes the bug off your arm and lets you go. "(y/n) it has been awhile since we last met... I believe it was the day of graduation if I'm not mistaken." He watches the bug fly away. "You shouldn't go around smashes harmless insects... they have feelings to you know." You frown. "Still on about those bugs? Honestly no wonder I never see you with any girls." you smirk. He frowns. "You just don't understand them like I do. If you did then you would get it." He crosses his arms. "Nobody gets them... bugs are just misunderstood." You stand up. "Alright then... if I have missed something please do feel free to correct me. Tell me shino what is it I don't get?" He grins. "You really want to know?" You nod. "sure." You reply. Shino unfolds his arms. "Where to begin..." Look how the silk worms Sway in the wind Weaving their silk Regardless of what you've done Or where you've been They'll give ya Beauty... You face palm you weren't expecting a musical number. Oddly his voice is quiet beautiful though so you don't stop him. See how the dragonfly Dance through the flowers A brilliant ballet at 15 miles an hour There's no admission To this vision Of beauty... And it might be slightly different From things that you may know You can't deny there's something special When you see the night sky glow You hadn't really thought about any of this before but it's starting to make a bit more sense now. So look out It's around every corner There's something magical in the air don't hide from your eyes or ignore There is beauty... Beauty everywhere He gets a little too into the whole thing at this point and puts his arm around you while he continues to point things out. Check out the bees They don't buzz around for money They do it for free Makin' love, makin' honey Spreading pollen How can you not fall in love? It might make you sneeze But you better believe It's beautiful stuff He laughs a bit. Then there's the wonder of the caterpillar The best show in town, The ending is killer! There's a larval Real-life marvel To be found It might sound cutesy But there is beauty All around He turns to you now very serious. You can tell he's really into the bugs it almost makes you feel bad that you never took the time to see everything this way. And it doesn't matter if You've got twelve eyes or you've got two Because nothing needs any more Than one to take in the view If you're preoccupied With what's on the outside You'll get lost in the "how it can seem" But open your eyes And you'll be surprised To find out how much more Something different can mean... As you begin to see his point you swear you can hear the bugs around you singing. bugs: We don't got Any kind of worry Our way of life is laissez-fair No wealth, no poor No hypocrisy Just beauty... Beauty everywhere So look out It's all around, Kinda weird, but that's neither here nor there You can face it, Embrace it, No need to fear The beauty... Beauty everywhere When he's finished he pulls his face mask down. "Sorry I have never done that before..." his face turns completely red for a moment. "That's completely out of character for me I apologize." You smile a bit. "Actually I see your point. I never really took the time to see it any other way. I should be apologizing to you." You reply. Shino nods. "well now that the writer got her weird musical thing out of the way... maybe she can get back to focusing on more important stuff... like another itachi part. That's right littlejadelady I'm talking to you get it done readers don't want to read music they want to read shitty romance stuff that you make up. AND STOP MAKING ME LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT!" (that fourth wall break though XD)

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to follow littlejadelady

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