Chapter 2 ~ Worry

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Marks P.O.V

I was worried about Jack. He said he was fine but I didn't believe him. Whatever happened over that Skype call scared the shit out of me. I didn't want jack to get hurt. Despite how I always act and what I say about it.. I like Jack. He is so cute and tiny with his adorable accent. I was to afraid to ever say anything so I kept it a secret

After I sat there thinking for a while I decided to go look at some of his videos. He had just uploaded one so I clicked on it. Once and a while the face cam would glitch just like the Skype call. Now I was really worried

Jacks P.O.V

I got back up from the floor and looked into the mirror. Everything was normal. I was so confused but decided to shake it off and just take a shower

After my shower I went out to my kitchen where I had left my phone. I looked at it and Mark had messaged me. He wanted to talk over Skype again. I smiled and ran over to my computer

I hit the call button and he quickly answer. His face appeared on my screen and I smiled

"Hey Mark" I blushed slightly when he smiled. I had always had the biggest crush on Mark but hide it because I know he is straight

"Hi Jack.. we need to talk..." My smile faded quickly. What did he want to talk about. Did he know I liked him, was I going to get rejected

"A-about what.." I said trying my beast not to stutter but I failed. He looked to the side again

"I'm really worried about you Jack.. I'm scared that something is happening to you so.. I'm coming to Ireland to watch over you for a week" my eyes widened at what he said. He was coming to see me!

"Mark I-I'm fine you don't have to come all the way out here just to-" I stopped talking suddenly and felt sick again

Marks P.O.V

The screen started glitching again and I stood up quickly

"That's it I'm getting my stuff together and getting on the next flight!" I heard an echoey laugh and it sent shivers down my spine. Everything went normal again and Jack looked at me

"You have nothing to worry about Mark. I'm fine" He smiled a little

"Bullshit! It just happened again! I'm going to be there in a few days!" He sighed but smiled a little. I hung up the call and got my stuff together

~ Mark and Jack are the cutest little beans. They are adorable together! I love this ship ~

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