Chapter eight-Why?

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Jennifer's POV
I was making my way towards my car,just thinking what happened back there in Mika's room.I thought I escaped Lindsay,I really did. There was tears in my eyes.That's when I heard someone clearing their throat behind me.I turned around to see Mika's dad,his face full of concern.

"H-hi," I finally choked out.
"Hey.Are you okay?" He asked me.
"I'm fine," I replied. He gave me a 'don't lie to me' look.

And that's when I lost it.

I started bawling my eyes out,Mika's dad hugging me. I hugged him back.
We started to walk to his car and went inside.
"Tell me what's wrong," He said softly.
"I-I-Its Lindsay,"I said quietly.
Mr.Fossil gestured for me to continue."We were best friends since grade school.But high school was when everything started to mess up.And she did something that made me start hating myself,not loving myself. I thought I didn't have to see her after she moved,but I was wrong. So wrong."
After I was done,I was sobbing more than I thought I could. Mr.Fossil kept hugging me, telling me everything will be okay. He studied my face one last time before we stepped out the car. He made his way to the hospital, while I made my way to my car.

I made it to my house and just sat there to think. I was thinking about all the slut shamming and how I got treated like a whore with the one guy I fell in love with. The more I thought about it, the more the tears came streaking my face as they did before when I was in my younger grade years of high school. By then I was bawling my butt off. I quiet down a little, but still crying. I ran into the house and made the door slam behind me. My dad knew I was here when he heard that.
"Hey honey," He started but stopped when he saw my face. He stopped right in front of me, hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eye.
"What's wrong, Jenny Wenny?"
"Dad," I started out shakily. "I'm fine." He looked at me. "Okay, dinner is almost done." He said softly said.
"I'm not hungry," I stated. He looked like he didn't believe me. He has every right, because I am, but after that run in with Lindsay, I started to wonder why I'm still here on this planet. I went up to my room and started to cry like I never had before.

Jennifer's Dad POV
I stared up at Jennifer as she ran up to the stairs to her room. I don't know what could have happened when she was out. I sighed and sat down on the couch, looking at all the photos on the wall of her and Lindsay.


That had to be the problem.

I started to worry. I have to call Steven. As I was reaching for my phone, the maid told me dinner was ready. I made my way towards Jennifer's room.

Jennifer's POV
I say up, watching reruns of the fosters to make me feel better. I swear Jonner is more goals than my life has been. I heard a knock on my door. I knew it was my dad.

"Come in!" I yelled. He opened the door and walked in.

"Dinner's ready" He said.

Dad I said I'm not hungry," I said in annoyance. That's when he started to give me the truth talk.

"Look here, Allisyia." He stated, putting emphasizing my middle name,making me wince. He continued.

"I am not, I repeat,am not letting my daughter have another eating disorder because of some stupid people that don't have a life and making everyone else feel miserable. You don't need to do that because there are so many people that will accept you for you, and not slut shame you and treat you like a whore. Now, lets go and eat some dinner, okay?"
By now I felt better after that talk. I nodded my head and took my dads hand that was held out.

We were seated at the table and started talking.
"So,are you still doing volleyball?" He asked me. He knows how much I love volleyball. I nodded my head.
"That's good," He said ,smiling. The kitchen phone ranged. My dad stood up to get it.
" Hello?" Pause. "Oh really,that's great"long pause. "Yeah, of course I'll tell her. He's good for tomorrow?" Pause. "Okay, that's great.bye, you too."

"Well that was Mr.Fossil, and he said that Mika's getting out tonight's"
"Oh, that's great."

Or is it?

Here's a update for y'all.(if u hadn't realized,I'm Texan S.O to Frisco and Texas!)

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Word count-802

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