Chapter ten-I Don't Know,can you?

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He was walking closer to me, smiling like the little bitch he is. The memories rushed back to me.

We were in the park, in the back of his truck, just looking up at the stars. Jeremy was his name. I was really deep in thought, just asking him questions about life and death.

"Have you ever wonder what Heaven looks like?" I asked. Jeremy raised up and looked at me with a questioning look on his face.

"No, not really, why?"

"I just want to know how it feels like to have someone to actually care about you, that loves you for being you." We were friends at the time, and I was starting to like him more I was already.

"Please, don't say anything like that. You have people that love you for being you, that cares for you Here on this earth." I forced out a laugh.

"Really, my parents barely look at me anymore, I just wish an angel would come and take me to Heaven. Do you believe in angels?" Then he did something I been waiting for so long for.

He rolled on top of me." I didn't until I just looked at one and heard one talk just now." He said softly. He bent down, and that's when he kissed me. My lips molded into his, moving in sync. His lips taste sweet. He lightly bit my lower lip, asking for entry, and I replied by opening my mouth, out tongues swirling. When we pulled apart, he just stared at me, his grey eyes looking straight through mine.

"That was amazing," He said after what seemed like forever. I didn't say anything, I just couldn't. He was staring at me like I'm the most important person in the world. He got out the trunk, him holding his hand out to me, which I took. I was shaking when I got up, so he picked me up bridal style, and put me in the passenger seat. He got in the car and he drove me home.

(Flashback ended)

"Hey Jenny," he said softly as he approached me. I looked up in his grey eyes. Everything is grey, I thought to myself.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked quietly.
"I don't know, can you?" I said, anger and rage flooding out of me.

"Oh come on, I fucked up one time and you still don't forgive me."

"Hey babe?" Jeremy said. We were walking on a hiking trail, and he seemed nervous about something, like it was eating him up.

"Yeah?" I asked.
" I need to tell you something that's been bothering me ever since that day I kissed you before I asked you out." I gestured him to keep talking.

"I know you may not be ready for this, but that won't make me stop doing it until you're ready."

"You're saying?" I asked, getting nervous myself.

"I -I love you Jennifer." I looked at his soft eyes. I was speechless. It wasn't that I didn't love him back, I was just trying to get the words out my mouth.
" I love you too, Jeremy."

He smiled down at me,took me towards a cliff, and we just sat there.


He was staring at me, I was staring at him back.

"Yes?" I say laughing. He snapped out of it and started laughing too.
"Sorry, you are just too beautiful, I don't know how I got you."

"Aw, come on, tell me why you think that."

But before I could say something else, he told me something that made my heart stop.

"I cheated on you with Lindsay." He told me.

I was going off on him, yelling, screaming, crying until he just SNAPPED.

"STOP, JUST STOP IT. YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH ABOUT IT I COULD JUST-" Before he could finish, he picked me up and threw me over the cliff.

My mind was thinking about my bloody body on the rocks at the bottom. I closed my eyes, and braced myself for the impact. When I hit the bottom, I heard all my bones before I blacked out.

(Flashback ended)
"I forgive you, I just don't forget it." I said softly.
"Come on, just one more chance? And don't worry about long distance, because I moved here."
"No! I kept giving you chances, and you used them all!"

Then he did something I thought he wouldn't do again after being locked up for two years for it.

He punches me in nose. I started to scream and grabbed my nose which was bleeding. Mika must had heard me, because while he was still beating me, he ran out the door and tackled Jeremy to the ground. He was punching him repeatedly, and that's when my dad came out the door, gun in his hands. When he say Mika punching my ex,and me on the ground bleeding, he dropped the gun.

"Thank you, Mika, I got it from here." My dad told him. He got off of him and walked over to me and hugged me. My head was against his chest, his chin on my head.

"Come on, lets go inside," he said softly. We made it into my house and he sat me down on the kitchen stool and went in the freezer to get me ice.

"Thank you." I told him. He turned around with the ice pack and handed it to me. He smiled sadly at me. "Anytime. Who was that, anyway?"

"That was my ex. He went to jail and to therapy for his anger issues."
"Why he go to jail for?" He asked me softly.

"He threw me over a cliff, because he got mad that I got mad about him cheating with me on Lindsay." I regret saying her name, because his eyes turned dark.

"Anyway, is your nose broken?" He asked me, thankfully not mentioning Lindsay's name. I touched my nose lightly.

"No, it's just swollen, that's all." I told him. He sighed in relief. "Good, because if it was, I was going to kill that guy."

I laughed, and he laughed along with me. Then, he got a little too close to my face. I removed my ice pack and inched closer to his face. He was about to kiss me, just a few inches closer. I was moving my head when our lips brush against each other.

And, of course, that's when I get a phone call.

We pulled away, so I could answer my phone. It was Mom calling me. I sighed and she started to talk.

"Hey honey, are you okay? Your dad told me what happened." She asked me. I rolled my eyes, smiling. This is the first she called me in days.

"Hey Mom, I'm good. How about you?" I heard her heave a sigh. "Me and Mike are getting a divorce." I shouted in victory.

" Hey I heard that! Anyway, I'll let you go. Love you"

"Love you too, Mom." I hung up and turned back to Mika's. "My dads event is starting soon so you better get going."

"Oh yeah, bye." He said in a rush and ran out the door.

That was weird, I though.





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