Chapter 4

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Copyright 2016 © All Rights Reserved .
Warning this chapter does contain sexual content. Read at your own risk .

Aaliyah P.O.V

We both get in the car and before Jatavion puts the key in the ignition he kissed me on my cheek.

" Please don't kiss me I don't know where your lips been." Isaid honestly.

" You right ." He said while shrugging his shoulders and putting the key into the ignition.

" Let me the fuck out." I said , I don't know how I was getting home but I was sure getting out.

" Chill bruh I was playing ." He said laughing at the road then back at looking back at me.

After a long death glare match between him and I , he finally decided to start the car while I put my headphones in to listen to my Laurynhill . Just when I turn my phone on to choose a song Jatavion and pulls them out .

" Yo what are you doing ?"I asked clearly mad.

" First of all watch your tone because I can let your ugly ass out right now ." He said then laughed to let me know he was playing.

" And second how you been beautiful?" He asked trying to make me blush but failed.

" I've been great actually how about you ?" I asked trying my very best to be nice and show I care.

" Not well baby I miss you so damn much ." By the look on his face and his eyes I can tell he did.

" No you don't because if you did you would have at least called me or texted me." I said dryly.

" I wanted to baby but that wasn't the right time. I wasn't at the right state physically and mentally."

" Then why the fuck would you break up with me ?" I was so heated right now .

" I broke up with you because I can't be with someone that doesn't trust me ."

" Why by not having sex with you ?" I said officially mad .

" Yes nigga i've been with yo selfish ass for two years. I haven't had sex in two years. I be mad horny man. I have needs and the head we be giving each other ain't fulfilling shit. The first year I respected how you felt but we're going on two years and three months. This shit is bougus. So I broke up with you cause next time I wanna have sex I'm gone have it whether it's with you or not ."

Once once he said that my heart shattered into pieces but I was done crying over this men. I realize that God only put him in my life for a season.

" Man I'm done ." Was all I can say all that my mouth allowed me to say .

" Shut the fuck up yo and pull down your tights ." He stopped the car and parked it.

Jatavion P.O.V

Damn I didn't mean for that to come out like that. I'm a man with needs tho.

" No ." She said . She must be really mad because she know what's about to go down and she never turned down my 6 inch .* sticks out 6inch tongue *

" Aaliyah go to the fucking back and take off your fucking clothes off for I beat the black off you ." I said very calmly.

" Okay daddy ." She went to the back and did what was told . And I said a little prayer , praying that I don't force some shit. I'm hella glad I took the back seats out !

Aaliyah P.O.V

Jatavion ordered me to take my clothes off and go to the back and I did just that. He came back there and took off his shirt and hovered over my exposed Vagina. While staring into my eyes with pure lust .

" Daddy I'm wet ." I'm moaning and this nigga tryna be romantic.

" I know." After he said that I felt his thick warm tongue slowly across my throbbing clit .

" Ugh yo fuck you jatavion ." I wanted his head and he playing with my emotions.

Then he started planting kisses all around my soaked clit.

" you know ( kiss ) I love you ( warm tongue) right ?" He asked teasing me .

" mhmm ." I said biting my lip getting ready to release . But before I could release he shoved his two fingers inside of me . Plunging them in and out three times then his long tongue in and out of me. I was reaching my climax.

" uhhh mmh daddy I'm about to cum ."

" Really ? Okay put your clothes back on ." He said as he patted my juice soaked clit and got up.

" Take me home ." I said as my eyes became watery ".

" Sike baby sike ." After that he took his two index fingers to spread my second lips apart then plunged his tongue inside me. This nigga took my soul. I tried so hard pushing his head away but that only made his grip on my legs tighter. Definitely leaving bruises on my inner thighs.

" Aaliyah you know I'm sorry right ?" He said now laying next to me rubbing my juice released vagina .

" mhmm daddy ." I didn't want to talk I wanted his tongue.

He moved his hands to his mouth to suck the juice off it then sat up looking at me deep in my eyes .

" No for real I'm sorry for leaving you I'm sorry for not being patient with you Aaliyah."

" I need actions Jatavion not words ." I said. I hope he didn't think his head was gonna get me back. Nope we gotta start the whole dating process all over again.

" I will I promise I love you ." He said replacing his fingers on me.

" I love you too ." I said rolling my eyes

" I'm going to start driving tho we 1hour and 30mins away you stay back here and get some rest ."


I was awaken aggressively  out of my bomb nap to jatavion's ugly face.

" Wake ya ass up . " Jatavion kept shaking me like I was a damn man.

" I'm up damn." I said before mugging the shit out of him.

" Well damn ... that's how you gon treat me after what I just did for you iight ." He said pretending to be hurt .

" Sorry not sorry " . I said before hoping out leaving his extended hand for help out of the back of the truck.

" Aww baby ." I said as I looked at the restaurant my boyfriend an I was about to walk into.

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