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"I should go," Izzy mumbled into Jimin's chest.

"No!" Male voices chorused loudly all around her. Seven pairs of arms tightened around her. They had been hugging her for a solid three minutes now.

"You guys do know that I'm going to have to leave eventually, right?"

"But we don't want you to," Jungkook whined as they began to peel away from the hug.

Izzy let out small laugh, shaking her head at their silliness. She pulled away from Jimin, who was the last to release his hold, and walked back to the couch where she had spent the night, picking up the familiar turquoise jacket that Jimin refused to let her give back to him. Izzy pushed her arms through the sleeves, groaning slightly as her stiff muscles stretched.

"Okay, I'm gonna go now. Thank you guys. I mean that, thank you." She gave them a tiny smile and was met with seven adorable boys grinning back at her. Izzy began to make her way past the boys and to the front door when she heard her name called.

"Izzy!" Jimin jogged up her where Izzy had one foot out the door. "Do you want us to walk you home?"

She was surprised at the offer, her eyes growing wide. "Um, you really don't have to do that," Izzy mumbled quietly as she now faced the ground.

"We don't mind. Besides, we've got to head down to the bank." Namjoon jumped into the conversation while pulling on a black leather jacket. The other boys trailed behind him, putting on their own jackets and shoes.

Izzy shuffled from foot to foot in uncertainty, she didn't want the boys to see the crappy apartment she stayed in and the crappy people who lived there. She glanced up, only to see Taehyung's adorable pouting expression and she caved right there. "Um, sure. As long as we don't go out of your way," she was reluctant to agree. She didn't want them to see her as a burden on them. And she really didn't want them to see the pile of drugs on Cassie's coffee table.

"Nah, it'll be fine. Come on," Hoseok slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her out of the apartment, the other boys following closely behind.

The sun was up and shining, too brightly in Izzy's opinion, but the air still felt cold on her skin. Hoseok's arm gave her a bit of warmth but she shoved her hands into her pockets anyways, hoping to warm them up. Something cold and smooth crinkled beneath her fist in the jacket pocket. Izzy carefully pulled the crumpled up paper out of her pocket. Funny, she didn't remember the flier that lay in her hand. But the words 'Horseshoe Cafe' were vaguely familiar.

"What's that?" Jin peeked over her shoulder, trying to glimpse the paper in her hand.

"Oh, um, it's nothing," Izzy shot a smile over her shoulder at him, quickly shoving the page back into her pocket. Jin cocked an eyebrow at her but didn't say anything, which made her let out a sigh of relief. Izzy made a mental note to stop by that cafe before going to back to Cassie's place.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, she was running out of money, and she couldn't ignore the issue any longer. Money hadn't been a problem when she was living with Youngkyun. Everything seemed to somehow always pay for itself. When she first moved in, Izzy had offered to pay half the rent and utilities but he turned her down, telling her not to worry about it. He always seemed to have money. And she never knew what it was that he did to earn that money, but after a while she just stopped asking. And to be honest, she had been spoiled. She liked when he bought her clothes and food and made her feel as if she didn't have to worry about a single thing. She had gotten too comfortable in that apartment where she didn't have to lift a finger. But now that she had been kicked out on her ass, Izzy found that her credit cards actually laughed at her when she tried to swipe them.

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