Jigsaw Puzzle Family

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The eerie silence of their home was broken only by Jimin's dazed whisper.


"Hi," she tried to make her voice sound strong but the greeting came in a tiny whisper. She didn't think that she would cry when they walked in but the tears threatening to spill from her eyes told her otherwise.

"Izzy." Jimin spoke again, only this time his voice was much stronger, like he knew that she wasn't just a day dream his mind had conjured up. "Izzy."

He walked toward the couch with powerful strides, his sight set on the girl who sat there, eyes wide. In one swift motion Jimin grabbed hold of her arms, yanked her off the couch, and crushed her to his chest in the tightest hug she'd ever felt. His arms squeezed her impossibly close as his fingers ran gently through her tangled hair.

"You're real," he mumbled into her hair, speaking mostly to himself. "You're really here."

Jimin dug his face into the bend of Izzy's neck. Her own arms wrapped around his shoulders, feeling the tremors roll through his body as he cried silently into her skin.

"I'm here, it's okay," she assured him, running her fingers through his pale tangerine colored hair. It was a strange color, but it looked good on him nonetheless.

"We're so glad you're back, Izz," Namjoon laid a warm hand on her back, just to reassure himself that she was really there.

"How?" Hoseok's voice broke just bit, but Izzy noticed. She pried herself from Jimin's steel grip and turned to face the others, but he still kept one hand on her hip.

"I-it's a long story," she mumbled, "But it's okay now. Youngkyun won't come after me again. It's okay," she pulled a teary-eyed Hoseok into a suffocating hug. He broke down on her shoulder, clinging to his little sister like a lifeline.

"Thank god you're safe, Izz," Jin breathed a sigh of relief. The entire car ride home he had felt like there was an elephant crushing his chest. He could breathe now.
"But you'll tell us how you got out, right?"

She nodded hastily in response, wiping away her own tears and turning again to hug Jungkook and Taehyung, who saw no issue in squishing her between themselves.

"Yes, I'll tell you guys everything," she agreed. "Just not tonight okay?" He voice was muffled by Jungkook's warm chest pressed too close to her face but she kept talking. "I know it's been a long night but could we maybe just sit for a while? And get some food? I'm starving." She chuckled, a happy tear escaped her eye but was quickly wiped away by Taehyung's warm thumb on her cheek.

"I'll order," Yoongi walked steadily to the kitchen. His face was blank of much emotion but the immense relief he felt couldn't be hidden. He sighed and leaned onto the counter, letting his head fall back. Unshed tears stung at the back of his eyes but he refused to let them fall. Yoongi wasn't one to show his emotions much, so maybe Izzy didn't always know how much he liked having her around or that he genuinely enjoyed her company. But he couldn't deny that he really loved her, she was a part of their family, and to him she was a sister. She was quiet in the mornings when he was still half asleep, she got along well with people, and she made a kickass cup of coffee. He loved her, and his heart warmed now that she was home with them.

"Yoongi!" Jin's voice snapped him out of his own thoughts. "Have you ordered yet?"

"Oh um, I'm just about to," he snatched his phone off the counter and dialed a 24 hour diner that he he knew delivered. Yoongi pressed a clenched fist against his closed eyes as the phone rang, trying to physically push back the tears.

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