Chapter Two

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It was Friday, two days after Baron has agreed to take on Watson's dare on asking Cormac Mattis out.

Baron only had two weeks to complete this dare and honestly, he didn't know why he even agreed to do this, because he really didn't want to date Cormac Mattis and he especially didn't want Cormac Mattis to all in love with him. They were two completely opposite human beings and they wouldn't work together.

Not only that, now he had Emily warning about not hurting anyone's feelings and doing something stupid.

Baron sighs as he walks down the hallway to his locker, but he stops dead in his tracks when he sees Cormac also at his locker. The hallway wasn't busy thankfully so now would be the perfect time to ask Cormac out.

Baron takes a deep breath before he finally walks over to Cormac and taps on his shoulder.

Cormac blinks a few times and looks over, and is surprised when he sees none other than Baron Thomas.

"Can I help you?" Cormac asks as he stares at Baron.

"Actually, kind of," Baron begins. "So... there's this party this weekend."

Cormac closes his locker and turns to face Baron. "Why are you telling me this?"

"I know this is kind of random but um, Watson and AJ are going together and Emily just hates parties... and so I don't really know anybody else in this school so... I was wondering if you wanted to go?" Baron asks.

"You want me to go to a party? With you?" Cormac asks. "You hate me."

Baron shrugs. "I was just asking. It's going to be massive and everyone at school was going to be there,"

"Well, luckily for you I was already planning on going," Cormac says.

"You were?" Baron asks, mentally kicking himself. He really didn't want to go to this party with Cormac. He didn't even want to think about what people would say if they saw the two of them together.

Cormac nods. "Jack and Dean invited me and I didn't have anything better to do,"

"But... aren't you always traveling with your parents on the weekend?" Baron asks curiously.

"I asked if I could stay home after Jack and Dean invited me. I love traveling with my parents and all but... I just want to be a teenager for once," Cormac says. "So I think this will be a good start for me."

Baron stares at him for a moment. "So, see you at the party then?"

"I can pick you up. What's your address?" Cormac asks as he pulls out his phone.

Normally Baron would have complained but he's sees the cars that Cormac drives and so he definitely wasn't going to say no to Cormac driving him to the party. Cormac was only seventeen and he knew how to drive, so he already had about five cars of his own, thanks to his parents being so rich.

Baron was jealous, to say the least, and maybe that's why he hated him so much.

"Wait, you seriously asked him out?" Watson asks as he walks with Baron and AJ out of the school.

"Yeah," Baron nods. "Trust me... I'm just as surprised as you are at how easy this was."

"Wait, did you actually ask him out though?" AJ asks curiously.

"Technically," Baron nods. "I asked him to go to the party with me and he said yes."

Watson stops and looks over at Baron. "You invited Cormac Mattis to Ian and Mark's party?"

"They're kind of friends, aren't they? I'm sure they won't mind," Baron says.

Baron wasn't going to tell Watson that Cormac was already invited to the party by Ian and Mark themselves, because he already knew that Watson was going to protest and tell him that it was technically cheating.

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