Chapter Six

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A/N: Another short chapter, sorry y'all

The next day during school, and the moment Baron sees Cormac with another boy, he's furious.

How could Cormac just go and find another boy, just like that? Baron assumes that they're dating. It only makes sense, they're sitting together at lunch and practically holding hands with each other, and Cormac has the biggest smile on his face, dimples showing, and he's laughing at whatever the other boy is telling him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Baron mumbles to himself. He looks over and sees Watson and AJ sitting at their usual table. Baron had found out that AJ had actually gotten sick over the weekend, which was why he wasn't at school yesterday. Baron walks over to the table. "I hope you two are happy..."

"What are you going on about?" Watson asks as he looks up at Baron.

"Any chance I had with Cormac is ruined because now he's gone and found another fucking boy," Baron snaps.

AJ looks over to where Cormac was sitting, and he raises his eyebrows. "Damn, boy moves fast..."

"This isn't funny," Baron whines as he sits down at the table and hides his face in his hands.

"Why are you so hung up on this boy?" Watson groans. "You've hardly known him for a week..."

"Seriously, how could you fall in love with him already?" AJ raises his eyebrows.

"Well excuse me for having fucking feelings, AJ!" Baron shouts as he stands up from his seat. His face is red with anger but he freezes as soon as he realizes that everyone in the cafeteria is staring at him, everyone including Cormac and his stupid new boyfriend. Baron quickly turns and storms out of the cafeteria.

"Oh, shit-" Watson grabs AJ and they both follow Baron out of the cafeteria. They followed him until he stopped at the bathroom and stormed inside.

"You know something?" AJ asks as he and Watson walk into the bathroom.

Baron rolls his eyes as he looks over at Watson and AJ, his face still red.

"Emily won't believe us when we tell her Baron here is experiencing emotions!" AJ jokes.

"Oh, shut up," Baron snaps before he leans against the bathroom wall, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Come on mate, talk to us," Watson says. "What's really going on?"

"I'll tell you what's going on," AJ starts. "Baron's in love with Cormac Mattis."

"Don't talk so loudly!" Baron hisses. "I don't need fucking China to hear this conversation."

"You aren't denying it so I must be right," AJ smirks.

"AJ," Watson shoves him playfully. "Okay, okay. We're done teasing you. What's going on?"

Baron sighs. "No, you're right about before. How can I fall in love with this boy so quickly?"

"Love is a mysterious thing," AJ says with a shrug.

"Seriously, help me. I don't know what to do. I really hurt him," Baron groans.

"So, Cormac found out about the dare?" Watson asks, and Baron nods in response. "Okay... then what happened?"

"So, I'm not sure when he found out about the dare but, he caught me making out with some other guy... I was so drunk and I wasn't paying attention to who I was kissing. I then found out that this guy is someone that Cormac was really close with and kind of had a thing with before. Cormac pours his drink on this guy, something that I just remembered that happened at the party. I tried to explain everything to Cormac but he didn't even let me get a fucking word out," Baron explains. He lets out a sigh.

"And now you like Cormac after hating him for God knows how long?" AJ asks.

"Look, I can't control my feelings and who I fall in love with. It's your fault-" Baron glares at Watson.

"Why the fuck are you looking at me?" Watson asks.

"You're the one who fucking dared me to ask me out and told me to make him fall in love with me!"

"It's true. Baron would never be in this mess if you hadn't dared me," AJ agrees.

"Who's side are you?" Watson asks, looking over at AJ.

"Baron's side, obviously. Although, Emily did warn you not to do it because of feelings," AJ says.

Baron groans and runs his hands over his face. "I have a fucking headache,"

"Look, if you care about this boy so much... then you have to get him back," AJ says softly.

"And how am I supposed to do that after everything I've done to him?" Baron asks.

"That's up to you. And if I know one thing about Baron Thomas, I know he doesn't give up," AJ smiles.

Baron rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," he mumbles. "He's never gonna trust me again.'

"Then you're just going to have to fight him, yeah?"

And so Baron does try his absolute best to fight for him, but he fails miserably.


Three weeks pass by and Baron feels like giving up because Cormac still won't talk to him after all this time. Baron's never felt like this before, and he absolutely hates that he was suddenly feeling all of this emotions.

He was perfectly happy being single, and then Watson just had to go and dare him to ask this one boy out, and he had to fall in love. Baron didn't want to give up, but at this point, he felt like he had no choice.

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