Chapter Five

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Cormac's in the worst mood possible by the time school is finally over and he just can't wait to be home. He walks out of school and sighs as he looks around. He almost kind of doesn't want to go home after spending all weekend cooped up in his bed but he doesn't really want to go anywhere either. His eyes quickly light up as soon as he spots one of his friends and quickly walks up to him.

All day, Cormac was thinking about how he could possibly get back at Baron, and he came up with a plan. Honestly, it was probably a stupid plan that Cormac would  regret later, but it was all that he had.

"Mason!" Cormac quickly runs over to the boy, as he was just about to get in his car.

"Oh, hey Cormac-" Mason smiles when he sees him and then he stands up out of his car so that he could speak properly to him. "I heard what happened at the party."

Cormac rolls his eyes. "Of course you did," he mumbles.

"What's up?" Mason asks, quickly changing the subject.

"Actually, speaking of the party... something happened, and I need help," Cormac says.

"Okay. I was going to stop at Starbucks. Want to join me?" Mason asks.

Cormac nods. "Yeah. I'll meet you there. I'd go with you but I can't leave my car,"

"Yeah... someone will definitely try to steal it if you leave it here," Mason chuckles.

"See you in 10?" Cormac smiles, and he can't help but feel hopeful about this plan.

Cormac goes back to his car and follows Mason to Starbucks. They order their coffee and Cormac gets a bagel, they take a seat in the far back to that they could speak privately.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Mason asks, looking up at Cormac.

"So, I was a victim of a really cruel dare, and I need your help to get back at this guy..."

"Boy troubles, eh?" Mason asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Something like that," Cormac sighs. "He asked me out because of a dare."

"Ouch," Mason says. "That must have stung. Did you already like him?"

"Not necessarily. We kind of hated each other before, but then we started talking and I started to like him, but then I saw him kissing someone that I knew and once liked and almost had a thing with, and I just got so angry..." Cormac takes a deep breath and looks up at Mason.

"Oh, damn... that's some situation you have yourself in," Mason raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah, and I really want to get back at this guy because I'm so fucking hurt. I don't know many other guys, especially other ones that are also gay. I saw you and I thought maybe you could help me,"

"Help you? How?" Mason asks, leaning back in his chair.

"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend," Cormac bites his lip nervously.

"You want me to what?" Mason asks, sitting up again. "Seriously, Cormac?"

"I know it's a ridiculous idea but I just want to get back at him. I'm so fucking hurt and I just want to... ugh, I don't know. I just want to make him realize what an idiot he was," Cormac snaps.

"I don't know," Mason sighs. "This seems kind of extreme, don't you think?"

"What if I offered you money?" Cormac asks. "I have a lot of it, you know?"

"Well, I do need a new car..." Mason raises his eyebrows.

"Done. I'll buy you a new car then. Whatever you want. We practically buy new cars like every year so," Cormac shrugs. "I just really need help with this. I just want to make him jealous."

"Who is this guy that you're trying to make jealous?" Mason asks curiously.

"Baron Thomas," Cormac clenches his jaw and he tries not to get angry.

"Baron Thomas?" Mason asks. "You two were a thing?"

"Hardly," Cormac sighs. "He went and fucked it up before we could even start."

Mason laughs. "Oh, that sounds like something Baron would do,"

"So, basically... we don't have to kiss or anything if that makes you uncomfortable. He just needs to see us together and think that we're dating. That's all," Cormac explains. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah," Mason nods. "That's fine with me."

"Thank you for helping me. I didn't know who else to ask," Cormac says.

"Not like I have a boyfriend or anything, so I don't mind," Mason shrugs.

Cormac couldn't be more grateful that Mason agreed to pretend to be his boyfriend. He just hoped that his plan would actually work and he would be able to make Baron jealous.

Cormac goes straight home after he finishes his coffee with Mason. He's feeling optimistic about this plan, but he just hopes that he doesn't ruin anything, and he hopes Mason actually helps him.

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