Chapter Three

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Thankfully Friday came quickly and the school day passed by. Baron skipped a few classes, so that helped.

Watson tried asking him about Cormac, but Baron didn't say anything to him. Emily, however, knew him better, so he was practically to forced to tell Emily about what happened at Starbucks.

"I told you didn't I?" Emily says as she walks out of the school with Baron.

Baron sighs. "You did tell me," he mumbles, hating that he had to admit Emily was right.

"You're messing with a person's feelings here. How did you think Cormac is going to feel when he finds out that this was all set up? He's going to feel humiliated, probably," Emily looks up at Baron.

"He's not going to find out," Baron snaps. "Nobody's going to tell him. Right, Emily?"

Emily grumbles. "Fine," she says in defeat. "I won't tell him."

"Thank you," Baron says, feeling relieved. "I don't want to hurt his feelings but..."

"It's like you said before... it's just a dare, right? So, why can't you back out of it?" Emily asks.

"Because I like being challenged and Watson knows this," Baron tells her.

Emily huffs. "Watson is an idiot," she says, and Baron laughs loudly at this.

"You're not wrong," he agrees. "Look. I have to get ready for the party. Text you later?"

"Sure. Promise you won't do anything stupid?" Emily asks hopefully.

"Sorry, Em. Can't make any promises. You know there's going to be alcohol at this party," Baron says.

Emily sighs. "Oh, whatever. Go to your stupid party," she says. She gives Baron a hug, and walks over to her own car. Baron raises his eyebrows as he watches her before he walks over to his car.

This party was going to be interesting, that much Baron knew.

Part of Baron thinks that he shouldn't go to this party and just cancel on Cormac and make it up to him later, but then the other part of him knows that he can't lose this dare so he had to go to the party. Besides, if he backed out now, then he wouldn't hear the end of it from Watson and AJ.

After getting home finally, Baron decides to take a quick power nap before getting in the shower and cleaning up for the party. He wanted to try to look at least decent since he was actually going with someone, though it was quite difficult when the only thing he had in his closet were punk clothes.

Finally, 7 o'clock rolls around and Baron's waiting in his living room for Cormac to pick him up. He glances out the window and smiles when he sees Cormac pulling into the driveway in one of his fancy cars.

Baron makes sure he has everything he needs before walking out of the house.

"Damn," Baron whispers when he gets a closer look at Cormac's car, a Mercedes-Benz. He looks up when Cormac rolls down his window and motions him to get in the car. "Nice ride." He walks over to the car.

"Thanks," Cormac grins. He looks over and watches as Baron gets into the car.

"I'm almost afraid to get in the car, it's so fancy," Baron jokes.

"Oh stop. You're fine," Cormac assures him. "Get in. Don't want to be late to the party, do we?"

"I suppose not," Baron says before getting into the car and shutting the car door. He glances around for a moment before looking back over at Cormac. "Shit, this is a really nice car."

"Maybe I'll let you borrow it sometimes," Cormac says as he backs out of the driveway.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Baron chuckles. "I'd have it destroyed within' the first five minutes."

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