Chapter 14

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Draco asked Harry to leave right after he finished his sentence and stared at the ceiling. Madam Pomfrey would run in and out with medication, bandages or just checking him over. Draco felt very alone even with her being there. He was thinking about after he returned to class. Harry would go back to hating him, Crabbe and Goyle would try to be his friends again despite hurting him and Draco would be alone in a crowd of people once again. Harry didn't visit Draco again because he was so busy and before he knew it Draco was out of the hospital wing.

The year flew past with the next moment even more busy than the last. Harry didn't spend much time with Draco because of how busy he was, but the year was amazing from getting the firebolt to meeting his godfather. The day it came to leave Hogwarts everyone was upset, but not as much so as Harry. For a moment he'd had hope for the summer, but now it seemed like it was going to be as unbearable at the Dursley's as always. When everyone boarded the train it looked inexplicably more crowded than on the way to Hogwarts.

"There's only two seats open, unless we'd like to sit with the Slytherin." Ron looked disgusted and Harry knew he was talking about Draco.

"You two can sit together. I'll take the seat by him. I have to speak to him anyway." He separated from them and they both looked confused about this, but took seats next to Neville, Seamus and Dean.

Harry walked over to Draco and took a seat across from him. Draco looked happy and disappointed once again. "How's your arm?"

Draco made his signature face of disgust at Harry. "Don't see why you would care. What'd you see a dementor in you cabin and decided to sit here?"

"I'm trying to be nice." Harry responded and the kindness in his voice was starting to fade.

"If you have come here to brag about your broom stick or that my father failed in getting Buckbeak executed then please leave." Draco was clearly in a heck of a mood and had his head leaning against the window, aimlessly staring outside.

"Wasn't planning on it, Draco. What're you looking at?" Harry turned to see what Draco was blankly staring at, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"The outside... Lupin was a werewolf, huh?" Draco turned to look at Harry and to Harry's surprise he wasn't smirking or pursing his lip.

"Apparently. He shouldn't have left though, he was a great professor." Harry smiled thinking about how much Lupin had done for him.

"Eh. I suppose everyone saw it coming. We seem to have a new Defense Against The Dark Arts professor every year. So, how's the firebolt?"

"Great! Couldn't be a better broom!" Just as Harry said that the lady selling candy rolled by. "Can him and I have four of everything you've got." Harry payed the lady and looked to see Draco's jaw hanging wide open.

"Did you just buy some candy for me? You know I'm not Weasley, right? I can pay for my own stuff." Draco said, but was smiling and reaching for half of Harry's lot.

"Always got to get digs in there, don't you, Malfoy?" Harry stuffed some bean in his mouth and winced when he tasted the flavor. "Ugh, boogers."

"I'm known for it and nice job getting one of the gross ones on your first try." Harry and Draco laughed and talked until all the candy was gone and they felt horrible. "I should not have eaten all of that junk. My father is going to be pissed when he sees me like this." Harry smiled and Draco leaned his head on the window and closed his eyes. Harry changed seats to sit next to him. Draco felt the shift and opened one eye to see what he was up to. "Potter, what're you doing?"

"Shut up." Harry said calmly, scooted up real close to Draco and leaned his head on his shoulder. Draco shifted the side his head was on to lean his pale blonde head on Harry's. They fell asleep dreaming of the other and spent the rest of the train ride this way. Once they got off the train Harry said goodbye, grabbed his luggage and stepped out onto platform 9 3/4. He walked up to Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley who were waiting for him, said something about Sirius and said farewell to the Weasley's. As they were about to leave they saw a pale haired, pales faced, gray eyed boy jump out onto the platform. "Draco?" Harry yelled and Draco smiled at him. The boy ran up to Harry, laid his hands upon Harry's cheeks and locked lips, kissing madly.

Finally, after what felt like hours Draco pulled away and smirked at the Dursleys. "I'd watch yourself because Sirius isn't the only person making sure Harry is treated well." With that Draco ran back into the brick wall and Harry smiled brightly at the Dursleys stunned faces.

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