Charpter 1

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"So, this is the hell hole you call school? well, this is gonna be fun," I spoke to no one. I had guards on my left and right. Sam the hunk a meat guard on my right lifted on of his brown eyebrows at my comment. "What? Ever heard of sarcasm?"

"Let's go be for you get in trouble. Remember, stay out of trouble-"

I cut in the guard on my left. "Outta trouble? Sweetie, trouble is my one of my middle names"

"Whatever, lets go," said the one on the right Adrian and they lead me to the office to meet with the principle.

"One more thing. NO. and I mean NO affairs with the students," said the hunk a meat 2 Adrian.

"What. Hold on. Back up. You think that I would have an affair with my students? Well, news flash. I'm not a fake plastic Barbie slut like the other students here that have affairs with their teachers," I said while walking off.

"Where are you going?" asked Sam.

"To 'meet & greet' with the principle, you dipshit." I replied not turning back, but keep going up to the door that said principle and knocking on it.

"Come in," said a deep, but sexy voice that gave me the shivers down my spin. I opened the door and stepped in and smelt the most amazing smell I've ever smelt in my whole badass life. I looked up and was lost in his chocolate lava eyes.

"You two can leave for now," mr sexy said.

"One more thing, No sex with anyone," Adrian said.

I just rolled my eyes and said "I can't promise you anything."

"I, Derek Black reject you-what's your name?" he asked once my guards had left us alone in the room. Mr Sexy or should I say, Mr Black walked up to me and pushed me against the wall with his hands on my arms.

"Rose Fucking Hathaway," I said with a smirk.

He just raised his eyebrows at me. "No, seriously, it is," I said in the most sweet voice I had.

"I, Derek Black reject you, Rose Fucking Hathaway."

"I, Rose Fucking Hathaway, accept your rejection," I said.

His hands on my arms loosened and he looked confused. "What? Your not going to beg or cry for me not to reject you?"

I sighed. Stupid wolves. Stupid Alpha. "Is it gonna change your mind?" I asked.


"Then there's no point in doing it. Plus, begging and crying for you to accept me is soo not my thing."

"But, I don't get it. I'm your ma-" mr sexy-I mean, Derek said before I nicely cut in.

"Mate? not anymore, dipshit. You rejected me and I just accepted your rejection, so, technically, I'm not your mate anymore. I'm single and ready to mingle," I said wriggling my eyebrows, but carried on anyway. "Well, it was great to meet you, now I better get going. Don't want to be late," I said opening the door and walking away while swaying my hips teasingly.

As my two hunk a meat guards flanked my sides, I heard a low possessive growl coming from Derek.

Well. This is going to be fun. Just you wait alpha, just you wait. You'll be regretting rejecting me.


Hey everyone.

I've started writing a new book called Liar Liar.


Sophia's family were murdered when she was seven. She was hiding in her parents closet. When she saw them die, she exploded. The men in black all died. But how? Ten years later, she's graduating from high school, but there's one mission she must do. Kill James Hunter. Her high school teaches children from the age of ten to seventeen how to use their talents. A school to train talented students into spy's. But who's dirty work are they doing? Was everything she taught lies? Will see do what she was set out to do when she found out the thought, Or Will she fall into submission?

Please check it out, much appreciated


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