Chapter 2

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"Good morning class. I'm your substitute english teacher, until Mr Morris is back from his 2 month vacation. You can call me Rose, Miss Hathaway makes me feel weird. Be warned, if I am called that. Then you will be punished. Now-"

"Excuse me miss, how are you going to punish us?" A boy from the centre of the class called out.

I went from the front of my desk clockwise around it, grabbed the pink slip and walked slowly to the boys desk until I was in front of it. "What's your name?" I asked.

"B-Ben, miss," he said hesitantly while slowly gulping, you could see the sweat on his forehead.

"Well, Ben. This is what happens," I put the pink slip on his desk and walked to the front of the desk.

"Detention? But I can't have one of these my-"

"Then I suggest you stop calling miss," I said while smiling sweetly. "Now, since today is my first day, let's play a game to get to know you better. If you can pick the lie, you have no homework for a week. Okay?" I asked as heads started to nod, thinking about having no English homework.

"Okay, so, I've been to juvenile when I was 17 for two years. My name is Rose Fucking Hathaway. I once punched my high school principle and broke his jaw and nose. I also can't draw to save my life, so? Which one is the lie?" I asked. The students were jotting down notes as on girl sat at the back of the class starring blankly at the clock. "You!" I yelled.

Her gaze jumped from the clock to me in surprise, and fear? "Y-yes?" She stuttered in a whisper.

"What's your name?"

"M-my nam-"

"Her name is Loser," yelled a jock on the left side of the classroom, as my inner beast growled in disrespect.

"And what is your name?" I asked slowly walking towards him and placing my hands on the sides of his desk, leaning in.

"Rick beautiful," he replied with a smirk on his face. Player.

Giving him a sickly sweet smile, I leaned in further so that my mouth was near his ear, but not touching him. Not that I would want to touch him. "Thanks for the false name, but, I didn't ask you. So, in reward for it, I got you a little something." That little reward just happened to be a pink detention slip with his name on it.

With his eyes wide and mouth ajar, I walked away from him and towards the girl I was talking to before I was so rudely interrupted. Jerk. "So, what's your name?"

"Richardson. Lucy Richardson," she whispered with her eyes down cast and her hair curtaining her face.

"Look at me," I commanded as a bit of my inner beast slipped out, Lucy looked up so face that she could have gotten a whiplash. "Which one is the lie?" I asked. Looking intensely into her eyes, something flashed through them, then-blank.

"Y-you can't draw to save your life. You can draw, because the line underlining your name is so straight, no one with the experience of art can do that, unless you, of course, used a ruler which you didn't, since there isn't one near the board," Lucy answered exhaling. Bingo!

A smile as I found what I was looking for. Of course, many years of endless searching and, now I've found what I've been looking for. "Correct. Excellent explanation."

Taking one last look at her, I noticed that she was small and skinny and that the clothes that she wore were old and a little too big for her. That was nothing too big to worry about, because that could be easily solved. But the real question is, how well does her body take with time and pressure.


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