Chapter 3

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Picture of Derek Black

Chapter 3

Walking into the staff room where all the other teachers sat was so not for me so, I walked into the cafeteria was the only option with my two hunk of guards. The advantage of me being a teacher was that I could cut into the cafeteria lunch line, grab some food-when I say 'some', I mean a mountain of food. Just for me.

I scanned the area and found Lucy hunched back at a bench near the entrance of the cafeteria door with a group of jocks walking in her direction. As the crowded around her, I neared them and stood behind them as everyone in the cafeteria fell silent.

"Hey Loser. I just wanted to say that I, Jack Daniel, reject you, Loser Richardson, as your mate," said the ring leader of the lot. "What? Don't cry little mate, I don't want a little weakling as a mate. I want someone like Vanessa; I mean, who would want you as a mate, an omega maybe, but me, hell no!"

A faint whimper escaped Lucy's lips that could only be heard by those with the higher sense. I cleared my throat letting them know that I was behind them. The group of turned around as the ring leader tensed before turning around. "You know, when you reject your mate, you no longer have the right to call them your mate," I said with a hand on my hip as the ringleader growled and his eyes turning black showing that his wolf was close to coming out. He stepped forward about to leap at me, but someone's muscular arm came into view around his neck.


Great. He just had to jump in. His eyes were black as he tried to get Jack, the jock to submit under the alpha commend, but it wasn't working as he was staring at me breathing deeply. I changed my eyes to my wolfs and commended him to submit, which he did.

Derek's posture had changed into a less tensed one, turned around and said, "Miss Harthaway. We need to have a word about a present accommodation."

"If your going to go formal, you may as well use the correct term of Mrs Hathaway," I said raising an eyebrow and a light smirk on my lips.

"Of course. Follow me." Fists and jaws clenched, he walked away to his office but not before casting his eyes to my wedding finger where a simple wedding ring sat. For some reason, he was so angry that I nearly saw smoke coming out of his ears. I followed him to his office where he sat behind his desk with his hands on the hand rest of the chair, clenching it so his knuckles were turning white. "As part of pack safety, I need to you to move into one of these house on my territory as you are living on human territory," he said sliding a stack of papers towards me. "You can choose which one you prefer as well."

"That won't be necessary because I won't be here for long. I'll be have for a month or so, then I'll be gone. This also means there's no point moving into one of the houses or becoming a pack member," I conformed leaning back against the back of the seat I am sitting on.

"No!" Derek growled out. "Your not leaving."

"But why not?" I asked in a innocent voice.

"Because your MINE!"

Leaning forward, "that's not what you said this morning," I reminded Derek just as my cell phone vibrated in my pocket.

You might want to come quickly. We tried calming Veronica down, but it's not working. She's going to do something very dangerous if you don't come quickly.

On my way.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be," I told Derek not looking up at him be for walking out of his office.


Sorry is late. Couldn't think of a way to carry it on,

But never fear it is here!

Da fuk?


Love you all!

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