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Third person pov
( {eng} the words in those brackets and in italics mean they are speaking in english ex: {yo wassup} and so on)
The day after she received the messages, Lyna was headed to go hang out with her friends. Unfortunately for her, the only girl best friend she had was stuck back in America. Nonetheless, she made some good friends here even though her girl wasn't here with her.

Lyna decided to buy some coffee and get them all to pay her back when she got to Namjoon's place. Most of them will. With about 5 coffee cups in a holder and her's in the other hand, she got in her car and drove to the parking lot of Namjoon's flat. After struggling to press the buttons on the lift, she finally made it to the third floor. No one answered the door when she first knocked, so Lyna took it upon herself to walk in since it was unlocked.

She found 4 out of the 5 boys that were supposed to be here in the lounge. Namjoon was no where to be seen.

"Hey guys," Lyna said, setting down the coffee down on the table. She handed one to Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi. Taehyung reached out for a coffee in the table and sipped it loudly. Lyna sighed and sat next to him turning to look at the expected smirk on his face. What a loser.

"You all are paying me back. Except for Yoongi, I owed him a coffee anyways," Lyna told them all. Seokjin took out five dollars, rolled them up, and threw the roll at her. She caught it and put it in her back pocket. Taehyung handed over money, along with Hoseok handing over his. Yoongi gestured for her to go sit by him, and she complied, moving away Taehyung's arm that was over her shoulders.

When Lyna sat down next to Yoongi, he pulled her closer to him, resting his hand on my thigh. This was something he often did, something that Lyna didn't mind. It was like a boyfriend, without the commitment. "I've missed you, baby," Yoongi said lowly in her ear, giving her a tingly feeling in her stomach. Lyna laughed and said the same to him. He seemed satisfied with her answer and leaned back against the couch.

"Where's Namjoon?" Lyna asked. Seokjin looked up from his phone. "He went to go pick up that guy we told you about, remember?" Hoseok finally spoke up. She nodded. "If I don't like him, it isn't my fault. You guys know how I am around people," She told them and leaned back against Yoongi. They all laughed at her serious remark.

The door opened. Nobody bothered to look up, there wasn't a point if you knew who it was anyways. They were either on their phone, braiding hair(courtesy of Yoongi to Lyna), or playing cards. It was silent. This often happened, and Lyna loved it. It was always a comfortable type of silence, one that everyone enjoyed.

That's how it was when Namjoon walked in with the new guy. He cleared his throat. Everyone but Yoongi and Lyna looked up at him. "Hey, sweetie. How was your day at school?" Lyna asked Namjoon. He chuckled. "I'm older than you. I should be calling you sweetie," Namjoon said. Yoongi snaked his arms around her waist. She turned of her phone and rested her head on his chest, winking at Namjoon. He laughed again.

"So where's new guy?" Hoseok asked. Namjoon looked behind him. "Hey, Jimin! Come here, these are the guys," He called.

Just then, Lyna saw the fruit basket walk around the corner. He looked at her suprised. "Oh, Lyna! Hey! I didn't know you knew these guys," He exclaimed. "There's a lot you don't know about me. I've already known these guys for years, what's your excuse?" She asked Jimin. He laughed and told the story of how Jeongguk introduced Namjoon and Seokjin to him. "Oh yeah, and Seokjin makes the pastries I sell at the shop. You remember that?" He asked her. Lyna rolled her eyes and snuggled more into Yoongi's embrace.

"Of course I do. Do you take me for an idiot? Wait, no one answer that," She said. Yoongi laughed, grabbing Jimin's attention. "Oh I see you and Yoongi here have something going on. How....nice."

"Yeah, she's mine. Don't pull any funny stuff, punk," Yoongi growled. Jimin backed up and raised his hands in defence. Everyone laughed. Namjoon started talking,

"Yeah, if anyone were to like Lyna here, they'd have one hell of a hard time. Everybody knows that she's Yoongi's girl."

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