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Third person pov
{Something} words like these means it's English. Just stating it again.
When Lyna looked down at her buzzing phone, she didn't know what she expected. Maybe a reminder to call her mom, or an alarm to change the channel for her weekly variety show. But no, it had to be a call.
{Pija~} It displayed. She quickly grabbed her phone and answered.

"{Hello? Wassup my main?}" Luna asked. Lyna gasped. A laugh sounded from the speaker.

"{Well? Are you going to talk or what? I can't do all of it myself. After all, I need you to tell me where you live in Korea. I'm transferring there so we can be closer together. How about that? Would that be fun, Lyna?}" Luna chattered.

"Yes! That would be so cool! I can't wait for you to come over here! We'll have so much fun, I promise. And we can even..{wait}-"

"Haha, don't worry. You must have forgot who you are talking to. Master of every language she learns. Don't worry about me on language. You just have to help me on figuring out my way around." Luna said in perfect Korean.

Lyna was shocked, but not enough to be speechless. Luna had always had a knack for languages, from Japanese, to Italian, to English, to Gaelic, and now Korean. Huh.

"Yeah, ok. I'll message you everything you need and make sure you get here quick." Lyna said.

"Kay. I can't wait to meet your man. He must be nice," Luna said. Lyna chuckled. She could tell the Luna was excited by the tone in her voice. She then thought about the group of guys. She decided that someone would be a perfect match for Luna, she just had to figure out who.

"Uh, yeah. And I'll make sure you meet some of my friends over here. It's only, like, three. Maybe four, if you convince him the right way. And they're all guys. You should have fun with that, I think." Lyna replied after a moment.

"{Oh yeah. Now I'm really excited. I just booked a ticket for the next plane I could. I'll be there in two days. Make sure my bed is ready for me to destroy. I'll need a nap when I get there. See ya, girlie.}" Luna hung up. Lyna squealed loudly, throwing her phone on her bed. She rushed to get dressed, grabbed her keys(and her phone), and hurried out of the door to go see Namjoon.

"So, you're saying that your American girl friend is coming to live in Korea? Cool," Namjoon said. All the guys were at his apartment again, including Jimin.

"Hey, will she like us? Culture shock is a real thing, you know. She might think our ways are crazy compared to her's. You have to think about the differences in countries Will she think that we're too different from her?" Seokjin asked. Lyna thought for a second. The boys all had qualities that Luna would like. Hoseok likes to dance, something that Luna does often. Seokjin likes to cook, so maybe they could combine their skills to make something large without it being eaten in three minutes. Namjoon likes porn, and Luna... Well. Luna likes hentai, quite a bit. Taehyung likes being weird, and that's just who Luna is as a person. Yoongi was sarcastic and rude, which happened to also be Luna(go figure). She didn't really know Jimin that well to know if Luna would like him. Probably not.

She nodded her head. "Don't you guys worry. She's really fun. I think she would like one of you. At the least she would like Taehyung. Those are just facts." Everyone nodded their head with this statement. She clapped her hands.

"Ok! She'll be here in two days, which means I have to go clean up that spare bedroom I knew I would need to use again. Text me later. Bye!" Lyna was almost out the door. A hand grabbed onto her wrist, making her spin around. Yoongi kissed her forehead quickly and lightly pushed her out.

Jimin was watching the whole thing. He shook his head slightly, hoping this other girl could give him what he wanted. No, he decided it was what he needed.

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