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Third person pov
It was around 12:00 pm whenever Luna texted Lyna that she was about to get off the plane. Lyna squealed about, running excitedly around Namjoon's apartment. Namjoon agreed to go with her to pick the girl up, but Yoongi wasn't going to let them go together alone. There was no way.

They all three piled into Yoongi's car and headed off. Once they arrived at the airport, Lyna shot a text to Luna letting her know they were there to get her. Lyna decided that she wanted to suprise Luna, so they waited until they caught sight of her to secretly follow her around the place. Namjoon found it quite enjoyable that she got confused whenever she took a wrong turn, or when she repeatedly apologized to old people when bumping into them.

She was nice to the old, but then cocky teenager had to get mouthy with her about dropping her passport and accidently bumping him as well. The anger on her face built up as he continued to scold her for being stupid and saying she couldn't understand him. Finally, she burst out, ratting him out for being a stupid, ignorant boy. There was fire in her eyes and voice, something that Namjoon and Yoongi both liked. The teenager apologized and backed away quickly before Luna could start again.

Eventually, Luna sat down in a chair and rubbed her head. She got tired of walking, which was normal. The three watching decided this was the perfect time to suprise her. They walked up to Luna and Lyna tapped her on the shoulder. Luna quickly looked around, seeing it was Lyna, and dropped her jaw.

The two girls hugged each other tightly, making both of the boys smile. They hugged for a while, before Luna opened her eyes and looked straight at the boys. She stared at Namjoon, him looking away because of how uncomfortable he was getting. She transfered her gaze over to Yoongi, who gave her just the same look, and the tiniest smirk. She smiled at him.

"{I like this one. He didn't turn away when I gave him my infamous stare. That's lit. But this one did so, I'm not too sure about him. Who are they?}" She asked Lyna. Lyna chickled, turning to the boys. She quickly introduced them by names.

"{Remember them?}" Lyna asked Luna. She rolled her eyes.

"{Uh yeah.} You talk about them all the time. I'm suprised all of you aren't married together. Gosh!" Luna said. The three gasped at her words, Yoongi also raised his eyebrows. Yoongi's smile grew, he was beginning to like this one.


They arrived back at Namjoon's apartment. Namjoon and Yoongi offered to leave them alone for a second so Lyna could explain to Luna about some dangers of being too vulgar in front of others.

The boys hurried up to the door and quickly went in.

"Guys! She's here! They'll be up in a minute, but let me just take a moment and say I feel like you guys will love her. She's kinda like Yoongi, sorta," Namjoon said. Everyone peaked around to corner, waiting for them to come inside.

Finally, the door opened. All eyes were on her. Not a single soul said anything as she walked in. There stood a 5'6, blonde white girl in the middle of a South Korean apartment. Nobody knew what to say. Lyna clapped her hands.

"Uh, excuse me? Where the fuck are your manners? This is Luna, everyone, thanks for making her uncomfortable," Lyna exclaimed. Hoseok quickly got up from the couch and danced his way over to Luna. He spinned a total of three times and stopped, grabbing Luna's hand.

"{Wassup girl?} I'm J-hope. Your hop-" He was cut off by Lyna.

"Your real name please." She sternly said to him. He nodded. "Before I was rudely interupted, I'm Hoseok," He told Luna. She laughed and nodded, not bothering to remove her hand until he let go. Seokjin then got up and walked over.

"Hello, I'm Seokjin, the oldest. It's nice to meet you, finally!" He told her. Luna nodded once again and smiled at him. Seokjin turned back around. "Can you speak Korean well?" He asked her. Luna laughed loudly before answering. "Course I can. I wouldn't be here if I couldn't," She said. Seokjin then looked embarrassed.

The rest of the boys were Taehyung and Jimin, who walked up(more like pushed each other) to where the rest were and kept talking over each other.

"Hi, I'm- Jimin! Stop! Anyways, I'm Taehyung, the most beautiful here and I mus-" Taehyung's introduction was cut off by Jimin.

"Shut up Tae, everyone knows that I'm the hottest in the room. Hello, I'm Jimin, nice to meet you," He said. Taehyung reached out and gave Luna a very firm handshake. After all the boy introductions were done, Luna introduced herself.

"{Wus poppin' ya'll?}I'm Luna, and it's very nice to meet you guys. I've been really excited to come see this place, but since that I got off the plane, I'm even more excited to be here," She said. They all laughed and began asking her random questions. Lyna sat over on the couch and got out her phone. Luna decided she needed to sit down too, seeing as how she's been standing up for a whole 10 minutes. She sat down next to Lyna, still listening to the boys.

It was interesting finding out various things about the boys and Luna herself. They all quickly agreed with Namjoon's statement of saying she was similar to Yoongi. She liked to stay inside for fun, loved music, her favourite colour was black("Like my soul," She said), and she loved naps. She had everything in common with the boys that had Lyna predicted.

After some hours, Lyna said it was time for the girls to go. They all whined, wanting them to talk and play around more. Lyna shook her head, grabbing Luna's hand and pulling her out of the apartment, and into her car.

When they arrived at Lyna's house, Luna quickly took her things inside her room before jumping into her new bed, covering up, and falling asleep. When she was being checked up on, a thousand photos her added into Lyna's phone gallery. She sent one of the pictures of Luna sleeping to the group chat. She typed in with it "As soon as we get home, she sleeps.... :- (" and sending it. They all laughed and everyone but Yoongi commented on how cute she looked. Lyna smiled when she saw Yoongi said nothing of the sort.

It meant even though Lyna was not the topic at hand, he still held her the highest like she was.

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