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Third person pov
When Luna woke up, all of her things were put into their correct place. Her luggage was put into the top shelf in the closet, her clothes were put away, and her books were on a built in shelf on the other side of the room.

Luna rubbed her eyes and walked into the hallway to find Lyna. She stopped when she heard a man's voice.

"{Okay, I know but.... What do I say to her? She isn't just going to agree, she'll think it's weird,} The voice said. Luna was a little confused, because she didn't remember meeting anyone who spoke English here.

She peeked around the corner to see who it was. A guy who had light brown hair was standing in her kitchen, talking to someone on the phone. She looked around even more and saw Lyna eating on the couch. Typical. She walked around and sat down in a chair at the table. She watched the very nice looking boy grab a water bottle and sit down next to Lyna.

"Alright, alright. Look you guys, I gotta go. I'll be back later for dinner. Yeah. Yeah. Ok then, see ya," He said, hanging up his phone. Lyna looked over at him.

"The guys again?" She asked him. He nodded, laughing a little. Lyna stood up and walked over to where Luna was sitting. She guestered the boy over. "{This is Luna. She's gonna stay here with me while she finishes up school. She just got here today so, you aren't really missing out on anything yet,}" She told him. The boy smiled and nodded. He took her hand and kissed it, bowing as he did so.

"{Hello, I'm Joshua. You can call me Josh, all my friends do. It's nice to have you here in Korea, I hope you can enjoy it,}" He said to Luna. Luna slightly blushed and smiled. He was so nice to her, which was Luna had never experienced before. Lyna checked her phone. She gasped and then ran into her room.

Luna got up and followed her quickly, knocking on the door. "Lyna? What's wrong? You okay?" She asked. Luna shouted from the inside that she was fine.

"I forgot I have a date with Yoongi! I'll be back later though! Joshua, you can stay here and invite some other people, but no more than two! And if he leaves, Luna, call Namjoon or Jin. They can come over and keep you company," She said.

Luna went and sat on the couch, Joshua following her actions. He looked at his phone for a second. He then turned to Luna, grabbing her attention.

"{Lyna said you were pretty fun, so I'm gonna invite some close friends of mine. Is that okay?}" He asked her. She nodded.

"{We can talk in Korean, you know. I'm perfectly okay with it,}" She said to him. Joshua laughed a little then shook his head.

"{I feel more comfortable talking in English with you, it seems a little more natural, don't you think?}"

"{I guess so.}" Luna replied. Just then, Lyna burst out of her door befire rushing down the stairs and the hall. Before she closed the door she yelled "{Bye! Have fun and don't forget to clean up!}"

Joshua called someone and left the room for about a minute then came back. He sat back down in his spot and said they should go somewhere. Luna agreed, wanting to go exploring. They grabbed their jackets and other needs, heading out the door.
Joshua and Luna ended up at this big house. He unbuckled and opended his and Luna's door. She smiled and thanked him, that was nice. They then both walked into the big house infront of them. As soon as they stepped one foot into the front room, two people were chasing each other like wild animals.

They stopped when they saw Joshua, walking over to where he was.

"Look! Joshua hyung brought a girl for us! He's gonna give her to Seungcheol hyung!" A guy shorter than Joshua said. Joshua sighed and shook his head, reaching out for Luna's hand. He took it and dragged her to the dining room. There were about 5 people sitting at  the table, with 2 more standing in the kitchen.

Joshua cleared his throat. "Hey everyone, this is Luna. The one I was talking about earlier, Lyna's friend. She said it was cool if we came over here instead," He explained to them. One turned around from the table, looking at Luna dead in the eyes.

"Can she even speak Korean?" He asked with an attitude. Luna gave him a nasty glare and replied "Yes. I can, thank you very much,"

The boy looked embarassed, turning away with slightly red cheeks.

And all of a sudden, more and more people crowded around Joshua and Luna.

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