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a shy or excluded person at a dance or party, especially a girl without a partner.
"I felt like a miserable wallflower at a boisterous party"


The sun was slowly nearing the horizon, casting long shadows from the buildings in your path. You brought your hand to rub your aching shoulder while continuing your way to the park to take a small stroll around in order to relax for a little bit. Your dad had made you take several self-defense classes which meant your evenings were usually spent in a local class with a small amount of teenagers who were either eager to fight with someone or just to learn the basics and leave the next week. You, on the other hand, had went there for about three months now and you felt your teacher had repeated himself several times already. Seeing your boredom, your dad had signed you up for Judo classes, which you had to take during weekday evenings. He wanted you to be able to protect yourself in case you encounter someone with bad intentions. Currently, you were walking back from your 10th class. Your shoulders were aching because you were thrown to the ground quite a lot. Though you were proud of yourself as you put up a good fight, taking little elements from your previous self-defense classes.

You pushed open the small gate which lead into the park and made your way towards the many paths you could take in the woods. Usually a friend, Tracy, from your class would accompany you, but she had to stay longer and practice as her dad was the teacher and he was strictly against his daughter slacking off. Somehow you had proven you did a good job and he let you go early which you were very much thankful for.

This time, you took a left and followed the man made path into the dark woods. You were curious as to why the trees on this trail looked deader, only a few leaves hanging from the thin branches. Well, it was nearing fall, so you thought nothing of it. The wind here seemed to die down and the aura was calmer than ever. Usually you'd hear animals trotting along the woods, making the leaves crunch and create a soft melody, but here was none of that. You kept following the path and after a while, you had to stop and turn back as the trail lead straight into a little stream. Looking across the bubbling water, the path continued on the other side and you made up your mind to come back with your friend and explore further.

You began your walk back when you felt a little bit uneasy. It wasn't the feeling of being watched, but it was something similar. You thought you heard footsteps stomp across the dirt path behind you but once you turned you of course saw no one. Not long after you heard a sickening crack and something hit the ground with a slight grunt. Flipping around your eyes found a person on the ground alongside a broken branch. You stared in shock, backing up slowly as you realized it was wearing a white mask with drawn on lips and eyebrows. It saw you and stood up straight, casually making its way towards you while brushing dirt off its beige hoodie/jacket, clearly assuming you're no threat at all. Something glistened in the hand of the mysterious figure, reflecting the last rays of sunlight directly into your eyes. 

Scared out of your mind you let out a scream hoping someone would hear you, but it was impossible as you were already quite deep into the woods. Your heart nearly stopped as you felt a rough hand grab your upper arm and jank you back, making your feet tangle and bring you down to the ground. You looked up with teary eyes at the person and scrambled back, not caring about scraping your hands on the dirt and not taking your gaze away from it. Judging by the built of the body, it couldn't be a full grown man or woman. You were forced back to reality when you truly did see a knife in it's hand, gripping it tightly with its gloved hand. You knew you had to fight back and the human clearly was a fast runner. Adrenaline started pumping through your system once it charged at you, keeping the knife low.

From this, you knew it was going to aim for your stomach and once the person went to strike, with full force you kicked its hand, smacking the knife out of its grasp with extreme precision. It looked taken aback, but charged at you with bare hands nonetheless. You backed up slightly thinking up your next move, when you remembered a move someone used on you today. It aimed your my face but you managed to grab its hand with a fairly tight grip. Quickly turning your back to him you used your full strength to flip the person over your shoulder. It landed on his back with a quiet 'shit' and from the voice you could tell it was a male. To your surprise, he latched onto your hand and pulled you forward. You landed on your stomach, scratching your cheek against the debris. You flipped on your back but he acted faster and got on top of you, holding both your hands on top of your head using only one hand. In his other hand, he held the knife to your neck.

Your heart was beating out of your chest, half of your face stinging from the impact with the ground, your left eye was slightly blinded due to dirt getting in it. Since the male wasn't fully sitting on you, you took the opportunity to harshly jerk your knee up and hit him right in the jackpot. He winced, his grip on you loosening. You used his weak state and freed your hands from his, then brought both of your hands up and harshly shoved his face to the side, using your feet to help you push him off to the ground. He landed on his side, still in obvious pain from your sudden attack. You grabbed the knife and took off, taking your phone out to dial the police.

Your feet stumbled as you ran, but you weren't going to let yourself get tired so fast even though running wasn't your best specialty. Once you contacted the police and told them your whereabouts, they said you should keep on the line until the police would arrive and you gladly agreed. Your adrenaline was slowly wearing off making you a crying mess upon realizing how serious this was. Fear rose inside you as you heard another pair of footsteps running after you and once you turned to look, it was a different person with a black mask, a red sad face drawn on it. "Tell them to come faster, there's another one!" You breathed into the phone, not stopping once. The footsteps started to gain on you but all your mind focused on was the park you started to see in front of you. Your heart leaped with joy as you saw police cars pull up at the side of the park. "Toby!" The male called out, his voice laced with ragged breaths and a hint of anger. You ran out of the path, flinching as you heard a metal object hit the ground near the edge of the path. Something was clearly chucked at you and you barely made it.

"I'm here!" You yelled out to the men gaining their attention. They loaded their guns and ran into the path while another man helped you up and asked if you had any injuries, to which you replied you were fine. The only thing you got out of this was a lot of bruises, a scratched face and a near death experience. To your surprise, the men took you straight to the police station, wanting to get a statement from you as fast as possible. The only thing you wanted was to go home and tell your parents everything. Luckily, they cleaned your wounds on your face and bandaged up the bigger wounds on your hands from the sharp rocks. After explaining everything and describing the two males you saw, they called your parents to pick you up. In no time, you were home with your parents questioning you.

And so you had to explain everything again, putting emphasis on the fact you used your learned skills to defend yourself. You had to thank your dad for you surviving the sudden attack, because he was the one who made you take the classes in the first place. You came to the conclusion that if it wasn't for him, you'd probably be dead in the woods. Your mother was worried sick, but she had already calmed down a little bit once you reassured her you would never go back to that park or the woods again. Your dad even agreed on picking you up from your evening classes so you wouldn't have to walk home alone.

Soon after they let you have your rest. After taking a quick shower to wash away the dirt from you and your hair, you went straight to your room. You made sure to lock your window and bedrooms door just to be safe. You decided to call up the police tomorrow and see if the two fuckers were caught. You texted your friend, Tracy, explaining what happened and advising her to never go to the woods again just to be safe. She didn't respond, which you understood because it was already late and she was probably exhausted from training and fallen in a deep slumber.

Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep, the events returning to haunt you in your dreams. It felt like you got a few hours of sleep when you snapped your heavy eyelids open as you heard a crash at the other end of your room which sounded like your vase had been knocked over. Furrowing your brows, you grabbed your phone and turned on the flashlight, shining it upon the place. Your eyes widened with fear, the sleep in your system was completely gone, with fearful eyes you stared at the figure in front of you.


What do you think, should I continue? :)

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