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A soft clank woke you up, causing you to stir from one side to the other. You groaned as you felt your back hurt from sleeping on a hard surface which was the floor. You fluttered your eyes open as you sensed someone's eyes fixed on you. Your stomach turned as you eyes glided to the blue masked male staring down at you, a droplet of the black substance landing besides you laying form. "Don't make a noise or this time you'll sleep forever," Not wanting to take any chances, you nodded your head.

The room you were in seemed unfamiliar, the color scheme was only dark colors, which didn't help to lighten the mood at all. "Now," You snapped out of your train of thought as you looked up at the male "you'll follow me to my boss and if you try to run you'll end up dead, got it?" Standing up, you muttered a quick agreement. In all honesty you didn't want to know what was his so called "boss". He could be a man who sells young girls like you for all you know and you certainly wouldn't want to become a slave, but if the male's threats were true, you can't do anything but agree and follow his orders. For some reason, you wasn't as nervous, though fear for yourself getting hurt was still present.

Taking ahold of your upper arm the boy dragged you out of his room, your eyes scanned the long hallway with many doors that probably lead to more bedrooms. You didn't like this at all. First three psychopaths attack you in the woods, then one returns to attempt to kill you at night and now you've been kidnapped and taken away to some unknown place. You never thought your life would bend like this, which made you realize this world is way more dangerous than it already seems to be.

Before you knew it you were taken down a long staircase. The house seemed more of a huge expensive mansion than anything else. The wallpaper was chiping at some places, the used-to-be white now looked pale and had a slight yellow tint. The staircase was covered with a new blood red carpet which looked out of place in the old house. Soon enough the masked male walked down another long hallway, this one having a huge double-door at the very end of it.

As you neared the dreadful door your mind started to become a little bit more fuzzy, as if whispers of static replaced your hearing. You knew this wasn't regular ear ringing. The boy knocked on the door and then opened it once someone said 'come in' what seemed like right besides your ear. Though when you looked no one was present. He pushed you inside, but didn't follow you and softly shut the door behind you.

Huh, he held onto your arm with a death grip but he treats the door like a feather. Rude.

"Don't mind him, child," You snapped your head forward, your heart nearly stopping at the creature in front of you. Taking in a sharp breath, your back pressed against the door while your hand was looking for the doorknob. The creature stood still, his faceless white head slightly tilted to the side. For a human, he was extremely tall and thin like a stick, with arms that seemed like long strings. Okay, he most probably wasn't human. Is this some sick joke?

You stiffened at his voice, feeling as if he was standing right besides you and talking right next to your ear. "This most certainly isn't a joke, child," Did you say it out loud? Can he read your mind? "Indeed I can." You stood there, dumbfounded. How the hell can this inhuman being read your thoughts? This can't be reality. You still wait for the moment you'll wake up in your bed and write this weird dream in my dream journal. You gathered the courage and looked up at the man's face which was completely blank.

"You may be wondering why you're here, correct?" He asked in a gravely monotone voice, crossing his arms on the table that was a bit too small for his tall form. Shaking your head, you stood in your place though you found your feet carrying yourself towards the man as he motioned for you to sit down. Once you plopped yourself down on the soft chair right in front of the being, you gripped the chair's sides tightly to calm yourself down at least a little bit. "Let's make it clear that you cannot escape this place. Even if you manage to set foot outside, there's endless woods all around and you will surely get lost and get your life taken away by another being." It took a bit for you to understand his sentence, but you nodded your head.

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