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Upon noticing the figure in front of you, you immediately let out a high pinched scream. It was the same guy from the woods, his white feminine mask illuminated by your light. Your panicked screams were silenced and you felt something soft being harshly pressed against your face, denying your lung request for air. The intruder was trying to suffocate you with your own pillow. You knew struggling wouldn't do anything, so you went limp, holding your breath to save what's left of the oxygen. He kept the pillow in its place for a few seconds longer and then removed it. You knew you had to act now.

Your phone was dropped on the floor, the flashlight app gave you enough light to see the masked male's figure. Sitting up, you elbowed his side quite hard, making him fall off the side of your bed as he didn't expect it at all. You shuffled out of the covers and threw your blanket over him to slow him down just a little bit. Adrenaline acted up again, making your movements sharp and much stronger. You sprinted for the door to get your mother to call the police, but your short success was ripped away as a gloved hand clamped around your ankle, pulling it back with force. You grunted as you slipped, almost landing in a split which caused your muscles to stretch and ache.

You leaned to the side, landing on your backside. The male threw the blanket away and pulled you closer by your leg, the carpet giving you burns on your legs and arms. Using your other foot, you slammed it against his fingers, but he wouldn't budge, as if pain of this kind was nothing to him. "Let me the fuck go!" You leaned and grasped his hand, digging your nails in his hand, which wasn't very effective as he wore gloves. He let go with a chuckle. "You can try and run, but you won't be leaving this room until you're dead," From his voice, you could feel the smirk underneath the mask. You didn't reply, only scurried backwards while standing up.

You were thankful you had worn socks tonight, as your theory was right and the vase was shattered, you standing in the little glass pieces of it. The masked male made his way towards you, your mind was clouded with fear for your life as you didn't know what to use as a weapon. You didn't have anything useful in your room. You caught his hand with your two as he went for a hit, but using his foot, he hooked it behind your noodle like legs and swiped, causing you to lose your balance. Letting go, you fell and landed against your closet door with a loud thump.

You watched as he bent down besides you, not over you. Guess he learned you would try and hit his weakest spot again. Without a word being said, he wrapped his fingers around your neck. Your eyes widened as he went to choke you, tightening his grip with each second. Your lungs burned in the need for air. Your left arm shot up to his hand, but he didn't even budge to your attempts at pulling it off. This was perfect, as your right arm wrapped around the rose bundle that had conveniently landed just in your reach. The thorns were sharp, but you didn't care at this point and swung it at his exposed neck, then using the last of your strength, you used pressure to dig the thorns deeper into his skin. Since the male was using his other hand to support himself, he was forced to let go of your neck and grab my arm. You breathed in sweet oxygen with big gulps of air. With a harsh yank, he pulled your arm away along with the roses.

"Quite the tricks you've got there." He murmured with venom laced in his speech. Both of your heads shot in the direction of the window where police sirens were heard. You thanked god, thinking your mother heard the commotion in your room and your scream, and called the police. The male muttered 'shit' and stood up, making his way to the window. You wanted to pull him back in order for the police to finally catch this fucker, but before you knew it, he was already on the windowsill. Turning his head towards your sitting form, he hissed, "Don't worry, I'll be back," and he jumped.

You weakly stood up and grasped your neck which was probably bruised from his iron grip. Only now you noticed the tears flowing down your cheek. By now you heard couple of footsteps running down the hall and then, your door was bursted open. Three police officers came into your room, one switched the light on. Noticing you were the only one here, they lowered their guns. After checking your closet and under the bed, they brought you downstairs to the living room, you noticed your mother and father talking to the neighbors. A medic took you to the couch and inspected your injuries. You were lucky the male didn't have any weapons on him, because then it all wouldn't have ended so dandy.

Stating you were fine other than a few bruises, the medic took his leave. "Oh sweetheart," your mother rushed towards you, engulfing you in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." She hiccuped from probably crying so much. After unlatching from you, my father came to your side as well. "Our neighbors saw three figures circling our property and immediately called the police once they saw one breaking into through the back door." He explained, giving you a pat on the shoulder. You only nodded, reminding yourself to thank Mr. and Mrs. Robinson for contacting the police and practically saving your life.

It was a long night, as the police questioned you about the trashed room. Your parents explained seeing two more figures in their bedroom, but they left as soon as someone banged on the window. The officers made eye contact with each other as you mentioned it was the same person from yesterday, describing the same white masked male. They set out a couple to search the area, but of course, they didn't find anything. Your father almost lashed out at them, saying what good of a police officers they were, but he was calmed down by your mother.

"Would there be any motives for the male to attack you, miss?" The officer asked, to which you shook your head. You truly didn't have enemies as you was generally a shy person with only a small group of friends. "No, there really isn't a reason for him to attack me two times."

It was early morning when they left, saying they'll inform you if anything is found. Though, deep down you knew they couldn't do anything other to wait and see what's going to happen. The attackers didn't leave any clues, making their job harder. After the commotion died down, your mother made me get some rest on the couch while they stayed up. It was hard to fall asleep, but being exhausted mentally and physically, you passed out rather quickly.


It was around three p.m. when you arrived at the library. Well, more like your dad took you there. You and my friend from school, which was the same person from my Judo class, agreed on making a project together for school about an author from the Medieval era. Everyone had to make a presentation. Walking through the library's doors, you gave your card to the receptionist and once she scanned it, you were allowed to proceed. You saw Tracy in the far corner with a pile of books and made your way over to her. "Hey," you spoke up, setting the jacket on your chair's back and taking a seat.

Taking a finger and putting it at the place she stopped reading, she looked up at you and smiled. "Hi, are you alright? How's your bruises?" The girl's eyes travelled to your neck which had purple marks in the shape of a hand. You picked a book from the pile, opening up a page. "It's fine, nothing extremely bad happened," Looking up at your friend you noticed her 'are you fucking kidding me' stare. Before she could rant about how it was dangerous you spoke up. "The police are determined to find the three, so I'm quite calm about it. I'm lucky I got the guts to actually fight back." The first half was a lie, as the police told you there's nothing they could do than just to search the area. Just now you remembered you didn't tell the police about one little detail - the male said he wasn't done with you.

You spent the rest of the day gathering information and surprisingly you also managed to create the presentation on Power Point. All in all, you had done everything you needed. The project was due next week, so you had time to relax. Both of you were about to leave, when you felt like using the toilet. "Hey, I'm gonna drop by the bathroom." Tracy nodded, her brown locks swaying as she bent down to pick up the books. "I'll put the books away, you go on ahead." Nodding, you strolled to the back of the building and entered the bathroom.

You turned on the lights because it was already quite late and the room didn't have any windows, which was odd. Once you were done with your business, you walked up to the row of sinks to wash your hands. You glanced down to see why the soap dispenser wasn't working, and when you glanced back up, your eyes widened with fear at the creature in the reflection behind you. His blue mask was splattered with a black substance, almost like black tears. You spun around as he began taking steps towards you. Upon noticing he was holding a syringe in his gloved hand, you slowly moved towards the exit.

You broke into a run, but was pushed to the ground. You landed on your stomach, knocking all the wind out of you. When you tried to get up, you felt a hand push your face to the ground and a weight on your back. You flinched at the slight sting in your neck, your mouth was covered and your screams never heard. You felt weakness take over you, your body slowly gave away and you stopped struggling. Before your vision went from colorful dots to blackness, you picked up him muttering a single phrase,

"That was easier than expected."


I didn't expect so many of you to like this story, thank you for reading! Is it okay so far? :)

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