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"Oh come on, I bet you're bloody cheating!" You crossed your arms and leaned back in the couch. After accepting Ben's little challenge of Mario Kart you and him have been endlessly playing it for hours on end. Your fingers felt numb from all the playing and you really were getting tired of losing every time he pressed start. "I'll go get something to snack on," Ben muttered a quick agreement and then resumed playing the game by himself.

Finding the kitchen wasn't too hard, it was located right across the main living room. Once you walked in you noticed Masky and Hoodie both sitting on the counter. You internally groaned at the presence of them but didn't give out anything. "Shouldn't you be sleeping? You have training at 9 am." Came Masky pointing out the elephant in the room. You shrugged your shoulders and grabbed two packs of crisps out of Ben's snack cabinet which he allowed you to use.

"Yeah, so?" You replied and closed the cabinet, turning towards the two. "It's 2 am and I can guarantee you'll be tired if you won't get some sleep. " You did agree with him on that one through you didn't feel like giving in and pleasing him, so you shrugged your shoulders again and walked past them.

"I'll get over it,"

Masky's eyebrow twitched out of pure annoyance though the mask he wore denied access to you seeing that. He knew you were just trying to annoy him out of fun, but he wasn't having any of it. "Alright then if you're so sure you won't be moving like a snail then training will start at 7 am." Jumping down from the counter they began making their way out of the cozy kitchen and up the large staircase. Your shoulders dropped at what he said and you were just about to argue when he added, "Don't bother, I won't change my mind,"

"As if I'll get up at 6 just to be ready at 7, in your dreams. If it's scheduled at 9 then it will be at 9," You called back after them and turned on your heel to walk away. You clearly didn't feel like being the doormat and not protesting about him suddenly changing plans out of no where. It was your decision wether to go to sleep at 10 pm or 2 am and it would be your own fault if you would feel like absolute garbage the next day.

"I'd better watch my tongue if I were you, sunshine. I have very low tolerance for behavior like that," Masky replied, not turning to look at you. "You definitely don't want to get on my bad side."

You muttered a 'whatever' and took your leave. You'd be lying if his tone didn't intimidate you, though you'd never give him the satisfaction of seeing you tremble out of fear in his presence. You didn't realize you were stomping your feet until Ben turned over to look at your sour expression.

"Don't mind him, Masky likes being a dick," Ben said earning a chuckle from you. You didn't want to believe Masky was all that bad, but you barely knew him so you didn't have the knowledge or understanding of his character just yet, just as he didn't know you all that well too. After a few attempts to beat Ben you gave up and decided to actually get some rest. The elf kindly agreed on helping you find your room and by now you had already began to memorize the trip to your cozy bedroom. Once you said your good-night's you happily did your nightly routine and slipped under the soft covers of your bed and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


A loud bang woke you up from your peaceful slumber making you turn over and look towards your bedroom door. You could almost make out two shadows from under the door crack but another three knocks had given you a headache. "I'm up, I'm bloody up!" You called to the two figures behind your locked door and slowly got up from bed. You didn't have a clock in your room so you had no idea wether it was 6 or 8 in the morning.

"Be ready in 20 minutes, you've got a long day ahead of you," Came Masky's voice, immediately making you groan and fall back into your soft covers. "I swear if it's 6:40 am I'm not going anywhere." But no one replied to you, making you wonder if Masky really did wake you up super early. If only Ben had given back your phone, then you'd know what time it was. Nonetheless you got up and put on a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt and a dark blue hoodie. You didn't mid the dark clothes, it kind of resembled your mood at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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