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You leaned against the wall near the exit of the huge mansion, waiting for someone to tell you what your training is going to be. Honestly, you didn't want to do this, but what else could you do? Right.

You noticed an elf screaming in the living room about some random game. Jane, the girl who lend you her clothes, was screaming at a male with a carved smile which looked real. Your body stiffened as Masky was walking towards you running a hand through his brown hair which looked quite fluffy. "Ready to not feel your body at the end of the day?" He asked, making your face twist in a confused expression. As if noticing your 'wtf' state, he continued, "Don't expect us to take it easy on you just because you're a newbie."

You rolled your eyes, annoyed that Slenderman assigned him out of everyone else to lead your first training day. Without any sarcastic remarks rolling off your tongue, you turned around on your heal only to jump back with a yelp. Behind you was standing the boy with the black mask which had a red frowny face stitched on it. His hands were placed in his pockets in a casual manner, though his sudden appearance out of thin air still managed to make you jump.

"Careful Hoodie, don't scare the soul out of her just yet," Masky muttered while walking past the two of you. Your eyebrow raised at his friend's name. Not understanding why everyone so far had unordinary nicknames you began to follow the two, keeping a fair amount of distance from them. Upon setting foot outside of the cozy mansion, the cold autumn's wind swept your hair in every direction possible. It sent goosepumps throughout your body and all you could do was wrap your freezing hands around yourself to keep some of the warmth in. It amazed you how the two of them didn't seem affected at all.

Another thing you noticed about the duo; they liked to walk in silence. Small talk was something they did not involve in their speech. When you asked about how do they not get lost in these woods, Hoodie was the one to answer with a simple shrug of his shoulders and that was a dead end for any further conversation with them.

Something else you took note of; they were eyeing your surroundings quite skeptically. It almost seemed like they didn't trust the woods themselves. Once a twig snapped or someone's footsteps echoed too closely they would duck down and hide behind trees, leaving you standing out in the open like a total idiot. Masky usually was the one to pull at your sleeve to make you lean down or hide behind a tree. In your eyes it seemed like a game of Hide And Seek between something you didn't know.

The three of you came to a stop when you let out a scream and tripped on your own feet while stumbling backwards away from the object that pearced the ground milimeters away from your feet. Masky flipped around and stiffened his whole body as if ready to fight something. Hoodie casually turned around and tilted his head to the side observing you as if you were some sort of maniac. You flinched as Hoodie cought a second flying object from behind in his hand without turning around to see the direction of it, then he lowered his hand to see that both of the objects were hatchets, one old and one fairly new.

Masky stood up straight and brought one hand up to the bridge of where his nose would be and didn't move until a thump could be heard. You brushed your tangled hair out of your face and looked up at the person who was now heading towards your small group. His appearance didn't scare you at all; he wore orange goggles and a mask to cover the lower part of his face, his chesnut hair was sticking out from under his dark blue hood. "Ah, I missed again, what a shame," He spoke in a low gravely voice as he wrapped his gloved hand around the handle of the hatchet pulling the blade out from the damp soil.

"Again?" You spat out the question almost a bit too harshly as you stood up to your feet, completely ignoring his free hand that was extended towards you. Noticing you didn't take it, he used his free hand to help add the hatchet to one side of his belt, soon after he added the second one onto the opposite side. "Yeah, chucked it at you near the park, though I missed by that much," He lifted up a hand and almost brought together his thumb and pointer finger as to resemble how much 'that much' was.

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