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The scene that unfolded in the abandoned hospital could be quite amusing to watch. You were running around like a madman trying not to be catched by none other than Masky. Once the words 'come at me' left your mouth, he was quick to take that as a challenge and charged right towards you giving his all. You chickened out at the last second and started to run away from the guy, but it was tiring and you had really no place to run. "Come on, don't run and stand up to him!" You heard Toby shout from across the room. You barely jumped over the mattress and maneuvered around a standing mannequin. "Easier said than done!" You called back with your last breath.

You stopped once you didn't hear thumping footsteps behind you anymore. Panting and completely out of oxygen you parked your backside on a near by mattress, causing a little dust cloud to erupt from it. "That's it, I want to go home and take a nap," You muttered once you regained your breath and your head stopped spinning like a record on repeat. One glance around the room and you noticed one of the three missing; Toby. A cold pair of gloved hands wrapped around you, one hand taking a knife and putting it by your throat. The cold blade did not feel pleasant at all and you were thankful that you were let go by your capturer after a few seconds that felt like an eternity.

"You should never freeze up if you're caught in a situation similar to that," Coming out from behind you Toby explained while putting away his little swiss blade. Not wanting to admit you froze out of fear, you replied with, "You.. didn't give me enough time to think up of a way to gain the upper hand on you." You stood up and Toby shrugged his shoulders, the two of you made your way back to Masky and Hoodie who were chatting in the middle of the room.

"Who ever trapped you like that would have already slit your throat once they got the blade near you, [Y/n]." Masky added while at the same time walking up to you once again. You contemplated wether to fight or flight and your mind went in a full fight mode. The room went silent right after you grabbed ahold of Masky and threw him over your shoulder. Completely cought by surprise he landed on his back with a loud thud and a slight grunt.

Your mind cleared up and upon realizing what you did, you immediately let go of him muttering an apology and extended an arm towards the laying teen to help him up. "That was awesome actually, such precision," Toby said as he put a hand to his chin as if deeply rethinking what you had done. Masky reached for your hand but your mind told you to pull it back at the last second. "I have a feeling you would grab me by the hand and pull me down to the ground," You honestly replied. Earning a chuckle from the masked boy you took a step back once he stood up.

"Good thinking, because I was about to do exactly the same thing you pulled on me."

The three quickly discovered that you were an amazing player in Hide And Seek. Just as a small break from all the sparring you decided to play this silly game suggested by Toby. You always picked the weirdest places to hide therefore you were almost always found last when everyone started looking together. You even managed to make Hoodie jump a little when you sprung out of a cabinet just like a jack in a box.

You really liked sparring with Toby the most. He wasn't being all technical like Masky had been. While he focused more on your stance and showing you different moves, Toby allowed you to completely improvise and make up your own moves. You secretly were using everything you knew from self-defense and Judo classes but no one had to know that.

It was getting late and you actually felt tired from today, you predicted that your muscles would ache terribly the next day and you prepared yourself for that. You internally let out a groan of disappointment when you remembered you had to prepare the tree boys dinner tonight. You see, you made a bet that whoever manages to make the other fall and keep them down for more than 5 seconds, the loser would have to make a meal. It was a huge mistake because of a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors you were paired up with Masky and your confidence dissolved into nothingness.

Wallflower [Masky x reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang