chapter 3

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Around 1am Eli woke up wondering why his pillow was wet. When he turned over to look at Fay she was sweating a lot. He checked her forehead and noticed she was hotter when earlier.

"Fay are feeling ok." There was no answer so he ran to the bathroom to the thermometer to check her temperature, when he checked it was 105 way too high. Fay still didn't wake up that made Eli worried. He picked her in his arm grabbing his car keys he was gonna take her the hospital. He laid her down in the passenger seat and just drove. As Eli was driving he was whispering to her. "Hunny I wish you would wake up don't worry I'm taking you to the hospital so you be ok."he just raced there Eli didn't care as long they had to the hospital. When he got there he ran in her in.

"I need help my girlfriend is real sick."

"What is wrong with her?"

"Earlier she told me she has a little bug how she has a 105 temperature and hasn't woken up yet. I'm real worried."

"what is her name."

"Fay Williams  is 24."

"How long has she been like this?"

"She was feeling sick yesterday afternoon but I don't know how long she been like. I found her like this around 1." The doctor brought her into room 2 and Eli followed soon they told him to wait outside for awhile. Eli wanted to be inside holding her hand through this not sitting on a chair away from the one he loved Eli sat there trying not to let his emotions get the best of him. Soon the doctor came out Eli jumped up.

"What's a matter with her doctor?"

"We got her temperature down she has a bug and the higher fever made it worse. She must been developed the fever in her sleep."

"Can I see her?"

"Sure." Eli walked into her room and saw her hooked up to stuff. Eli pulled the chair over so he could hold her hand. He started to talk to her "hunny why didn't you tell me how bad you felt I could've helped you. You really scared me I don't what I'd do if I ever lost you. You mean everything to me."

By the time he was crying. He put his head on her chest and fell asleep. The next morning Fay was still asleep so he called home.

"Sorry mom Fay got real sick and we had to the hospital. She should be fine. I'm gonna stay here with her."

"I'm sorry I hope she feels better." when he walked back into her room Fay was awake Eli ran to her hugging her tight.

"I'm glad your awake hunny. Next time if you feel this sick tell me earlier."

"Sure but I didn't know. All I remember is that my stomach and head really hurt so I laid down. If I know I was really sick I would told you."

"You really scared me hunny." "I'm sorry I scared you."

"Don't be hunny it's not your fault." Eli crawled into the bed with her holding her tight. Fay put her head on his chest smiling at him.

"How do you feel?"

"I still don't feel all that great. I wanna go home with you."

"I know but we have to make sure you can go home." soon the doctor came in by that time Eli was in the chair.

"Miss Williams  you have a stomach bug and caused you develop a high fever. You can go home but gonna give some medicine to keep your fever down. In 2 days you should be fine." Fay got dressed and Eli helped her leave. When they back to his house Eli and Fay went to his bedroom. They laid on the bed Fay still couldn't walk right. 3 days later Fay was feeling much better and they could kiss again. Eli went in for long kiss he waiting for this for while. This was so sweet and so they were making out holding each other.

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