chapter 7

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A/n its July- august 2012 in my story

It was July 11 one month before their one year anniversary. Eli had it all the planned out it he was gonna make it real special. By this time Eli was all better no bruise. Eli had his sister help him out in planning. He still working on moving to Fay's apartment. Everything for them was perfect. Fay learned play "wanted" on her guitar so she could sing to him. All Fay had left to do was dress shopping she had idea that color to wear. Both of them still couldn't believe how long they'd been together. Eli also had big birthday celebration for her. It was Fay's 25 birthday and Eli wanted make it perfect. The morning of her birthday he sent her out with one of his sisters so he could get the house ready for her. He had got pink balloons, pink cake and just wanted things to be in her favorite color. Before Fay came to Eli's house she taking to get her hair, nails done and a dress. When she walked in the door Eli stood there holding roses kissing her.

"Happy birthday honey. I did this all for you. I wanted you to have a great birthday."

"Thank you cutie. I love it." Eli handed her the roses and she put them on the counter so she could hold his hand while kissing him. Eli turned to Fay who was still smiling and blushing.

"Honey what do you wanna do first."

"I just wanna be with you. Let's go to your room where we can kiss and maybe dance."

"I like that idea." he took Fay's hands and the two of walked to his room. They sat on the bed and to make out while holding hands. 2 minutes later Eli walked to his computer putting on "just a kiss" Fay and Eli started to slow dance. Fay put her head on his shoulder and Eli just held her tight while holding her hand and kissing her. They danced for about 5 minutes after that Eli and Fay took some pictures. Around 2pm they had cake and she opened her presents. Eli got her a anklet that had a pearl in the middle of it.

"I love it cutie thank you so much."

"I'm glad I glad you like it." Fay got up and hugged him tight giving him a kiss on the lip. Later that night they drove to the dirt road in Fay's truck where they had a picnic. After they ate dinner Eli and Fay lay bed of the truck on a blanket in each other's arm under the moonlight.

"Thank you Eli for a wonderful birthday. Today was so amazing."

"You're so welcome Honey. I'm glad I made this a great day and you so happy."

"I love you so much Eli." Fay kissed on him the lips.

"I love you to Fay. You mean the world to me." he kissed her back and soon they were making out. Around midnight Eli and Fay went back to his house and went to sleep in each other's arms. Before they went to sleep they whispered to each other "goodnight hunny I love you so much." Eli kissed her on the lips. "Goodnight cutie I love you too." she kissed him back and they both fell asleep

Around 11am they both woke up and Fay was happy see Eli right next to her. After they got ready Eli and Fay started to move things out of Eli's room into a van. Eli was really happy he was moving in with Fay. After the two of them were both they get to talking.

"Honey I'm gonna spend time with my family before I move in with you. I'm gonna take them out for lunch. Then I'll meet in the park around 5."

"I'll meet you then. That is so sweet of you. I'll finish unpacking everything when I get home. See you later cutie." Fay and Eli kissed for about minute before Fay left his house driving the van to her apartment. At 5 Fay drive to the park to meet Eli. For the first time she didn't miss him because soon he would living with her. He showed up about 7 minutes later Eli ran up to Fay hugging her. In his hand he was holding a bag handing it to her.

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