One Shot #1 - Harry Potter

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   “Ron? Ron?” Hermione Granger looked up from her textbook. She rolled her eyes. The tall ginger-haired boy had fallen asleep and was leaning over, snoozing on his textbook.

   Annoyed, Hermione hit him with her book.

   Ron jerked up, rubbing his shoulder. “Ow! What did you do that for?”
   “Ron, I thought you had to get this homework done for tomorrow.”  Both teenagers were sprawled out on a couch in the common room, text books open; one had fallen on the floor when Ron had gotten up.

   “Yeah, I do, I just-”

   “Unless you want Snape to blast your arse to Durmstrang, I suggest you stay awake.”

   Grudgingly, Ron continued to write his Potions essay, Hermione with a textbook in her hand pointing out things. They had barely gotten far when a noise was heard outside the common room.

   “Just ignore it.” Hermione said. “Probably some thickhead pulling a prank.”

   Ron shrugged and continued. They heard the noise again. Hermione repeated her previous statement, though she didn't look so sure. After hearing the noise for a third time, Ron started to get suspicious.

   “Hermione, what if it's...them?” Ron lowered his voice to a whisper.

   “Them? Them who?” Hermione asked, perplexed.

   “What if Harry was right about Malfoy bringing the Death Eaters here?”

   Hermione coughed, trying to hold in her laugh. “First Harry, and now you?”

   “I'm just saying that-”

   “Ron! Draco is not a Death Eater! Even if he did bring them here, I doubt they would be so quiet!” Ron didn't look convinced. “And why would they even come in the night, when everyone was asleep?”

   Rob, who still wasn't convinced, dipped his quill into the ink very slowly. Suddenly a large BANG! sound was heard outside by the common room. It was really a miracle that no one else seemed to have heard. Hermione and Ron jumped at the sound. Both of them ran towards the portrait hole, and were out onto the dark corridor.

   “Lumos,” Hermione whispered, taking out her wand. A bright light emitted from the end. Ron, who had done the same for his wand, was looking around the corridor as they walked towards the sound.

   “There it is again!” Ron said, running around the corner. Hermione hastily followed. The sound got closer as they walked on, and it led them to a door. Ron and Hermione both nodded at each other  before bursting in. There they saw Peeves the poltergeist in an empty classroom, with cans tied to his ankles, turning over desks. He seemed to be looking for something.

   “PEEVES!” Hermione yelled. She turned to Ron. “I told you it was nothing!”

   “Well, you wanna tell me what you little 'uns be doing out of bed at night?” Peeves asked smiling wickedly.

  “Peeves, please don't!” Hermione pleaded.

   “Oh, right, I almost forgot. FILCH!” Peeves bellowed

   Before Hermione could stop him, Ron took a swing at Peeves. Big mistake. He missed and stumbled down, while Peeves flew out of the room yelling, “STUDENTS OUT OF BED! WANDERING ABOUT THE CASTLE!”

   “Come on!” Hermione helped Ron up and both of them ran back to the common room as fast as they could.

   They finally reached the Fat Lady's portrait, huffing and puffing.

   “T-tapeworm,” Hermione breathed, still trying to catch her breath.

   The Fat Lady stirred slightly. She blinked, trying to make out their faces in the darkness.

   “W-what? Do you really expect me to open at this time of-”

   “TAPEWORM!” both of them yelled.

   Startled by their raised voices, the Fat Lady swung open. Ron and Hermione climbed through the portrait hole, still breathing heavily.

   “That...was a...close one!” Ron managed to get out.

   Hermione took a deep breath and exhaled. “Let's just hope Filch thinks Peeves is joking.” Her eyes moved over towards the couch where the books and parchment lay, the ink bottle turned over with a pool of Black liquid on the floor.

   “Great! It's almost midnight, how are we going to look through that essay and still find time to sleep?” Hermione started pulling the nearest textbook near to her. She grabbed the piece of parchment and started reading.

   “I’m sure there are more interesting things we could do than homework.”

   “What do you-” Hermione stopped talking when she looked away from the peice of parchment. Ron had closed his eyes, and his face was slowly moving towards hers. Hermione's eyes nervously shifted from Ron's lips to the peice of parchment in her hands, wondering what she should do.

   The next second, Ron was on the other side of the couch, looking  shocked. Hermione pocketed her wand and giggled.

   “Nice try, you're doing your homework.”

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