One Shot #8 - EG (Requested)

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Sunset Shimmer × Female Gem OC One Shot requested by -Faxity-.

“Hey, Jade! Hurry up! They're going to beat us to the campsite!” Sunset Shimmer turned back to call to you. You nodded, an exhausted smile on your face, and continued running. Both of you were running through an autumn forest on a hard, dirt road. Falling leaves from trees kept getting tangled in your hair. You had given up on trying to take them out minutes ago.

   You can see Sunset far ahead from you, her long legs kicking up dirt with every lift. She was outrunning you in a heartbeat. You slowed down, leaning your hand against a tree while trying to catch your breath.

   “Sunset!” you breath. “Hey, Sunset! Slow...down! I needa...I catch my breath a sec!”

   Sunset stopped again and whipped around. Even from far away you could see she was trying to mask her annoyance.

   “Come on, Jade! Again? I don't want to sleep outside the first night!” she yelled back.

   What could you say? You had never been made for running. Besides, it wasn't your fault Sunset had made a bet against Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack. They had just gone fishing at the lake (which had taken quite a long journey) and they had decided to race each other back to the camp grounds, whomever should lose sleeps outside their tent. You had only agreed to it because Sunset wanted you as her partner...

   After started to breath properly, you signalled for her that it was okay for her to go on, and continued down the path. The wind whipped through your periwinkle coloured hair, you wished you could use some of your powers to help, but at the same time, you didn't want to be discovered...

   You had a secret. You were a gem, not only that, but a homeworld gem. It was your mission to find out information on the scum who had caused the rebellion for your Diamond, but an accident happened. You were pulled into another reality, one that was not and would never be your own. You were still working on trying to get back.

   Now, you weren't even sure if you wanted to get back, because you had made friends. The human girls at this school were very accepting, thought they did look different from the last time you had seen Earth. They didn't mind your blue skin and light hair. They didn't mind that you were shorter than the rest of them and claimed you were the same age. They just sort of took you in and you hung around now.

   The other thing was that you had recently started to develop feelings for a certain student with red and golden hair...

   You had to admit it; you had been entranced by Sunset Shimmer. As a gem of your Diamond, you had always been too busy doing your job to get emotionally attached to anyone. Your only friend had been an Emerald, but it was obvious you weren't going to see her any time soon. Sunset was awesome; she was smart, funny, she knew magic and she could help you anytime you were in need. She was such a good person, despite her flaws in the past, and she was good looking too.

   However, you weren't going to tell her this. You were a gem. Profusely expressing feelings were humans' specialty. Feelings of love were so confusing, sometimes you felt cool around the person you liked and other times you just felt stupid.

   You soon caught up with Sunset. Both of you caught sight of each other and smiled. You were almost there. You finally reached the site. You had skidded a little and brought a lot of dust all over the place, but Sunset didn't mind. Right now, she was only glad that you had both gotten there first. Sitting on the ground, breathing heavily, you gave her a wobbly smile and a thumbs up.

   “We made it!” Sunset said, doing a little victory dance. You giggled, and found the strength to get up and high-five her.

   You were both jumping around and doing the most random dance moves. Sadly, the feeling of bursting happiness was broken, when you heard a loud laugh erupt from the green tent a few feet away from you.

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