One Shot #2 - The Guessing Game (Requested)

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(Starco one shot requested by my friend Katiekendrick0)

It had been almost five years since they had first met; three years since they shared their first kiss and started dating. A year since she left.

   Star Butterfly yawned and looked around her enormous room. Any minute now, a servant or her Mother would come to rush her off to another lesson, but she had already taken care of it. She had locked her door and added a defence charm for good measure. She didn't want to think about proper throne posture or how to handle a difficult resident. The only thing she could think about right now was him and the tiny baby growing inside of her.

   When she left for Mewni, she had a plan. She left a pair of dimensional scissors for Marco, and Pony Head managed to buy her a new pair ('buy' meaning 'steal'). He came to visit her in between Royal lessons and they had fun. What she hadn't planned was the one time they had had too much fun.

   Star flipped over on her bed and buried her face in her hands. It had been awkward for them after that, it had been their first time. They still occasionally talked over Star's mirror, but never saw each other face to face again. Those visits weren't often in the first place.

   It had already been a month since, and she had only known for two weeks. She knew she had to tell him eventually, so she called him and told him she would come see him sometime, and she had to tell him today. She had planned everything (trying the 'organised' thing. Marco would be proud) and nothing could go wrong.

   Star sat up and pulled out her compact.

   “Mirror, mirror in my hand, call Ray.”

   'Calling Ray' appeared on the screen, a second later her freckly, 14-year-old cousin appeared in the mirror.

   “Hey Star! What do you need?” Ray asked, pulling on her periwinkle-coloured hair.

   “Look, Ray, I'm going...out. I need you to get here and cover for me!”

   “I'm on it!” Ray said. Her picture disappeared off the screen.

   About a minute later Star heard footsteps outside her door. She quickly undid the charm so Ray wouldn't get blasted into the other side of the castle. She unlocked the door.

   “How did you get here so fast?” she asked.

   “Duh, I have no life! So, what do you want me to do?” Ray asked keenly.

   “Just stay in here, if Mom or anyone else asks for me, I'm sick okay?”


   Star locked the doors again. She pulled out her dimensional scissors and opened a portal to Earth. Ray giving her a wide smile and thumbs up, she walked through.


   Star walked out of the portal, which led her straight to the Diaz's front door. She bit her lip, and suddenly realised she still had on her royal gown. With a wave of her wand, she was in normal Earth clothes. After wringing her hands a few times, she knocked on the door.

  “I'll get it!” someone yelled. Star held her breath. She felt dizzy, and NOT the good kind of dizzy, the dizzy that makes you feel like your head is spinning.

   The door opened. Star was staring at a boy with brunette hair, brown eyes wearing a red shirt, dark grey hoodie and brown pants.


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