One Shot #9 - Then Again, How Worse Could It Be?

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If there's one thing I can remember for sure, it's that the day started off horrible. I'm sure most of the things that happened wouldn't have happened, but it was horrible so there's no use saying it was all peachy. Because it wasn't.

That morning when I woke up, I just knew I was tired. My legs were lazy and I didn't want to get up. I was hot and wet. I was sweating. I don't sweat when I sleep. I felt my hair prickling my cheek; it damply stuck to my face and neck. My eyes were still closed, and the air I was breathing in didn't sit well in my stomach. I didn't like this feeling.

I sat up with a jolt. My little sister Peggie was at the side of my bed, the only light in the room coming from the kerosene lamp clutched tightly in her palm.

"What happened?" I asked, taking sharp breaths in between my words.

"Power out," Peggie breathed. "Momma's makin' us git up and bathe to go to school before the water goes away."

I groaned, and got out of bed. The floor feels cold, despite the warm atmosphere in the room. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. The cold water makes me shiver. I wish Daddy would just hurry up and pay for the warm water already. I borrowed the lamp from Peggie after I got out to dress. I put on my best dress. It's light yellow with pink flowers stitched at the bottom. Rhoda says it makes my hair stick out more than it already does, but I didn't care. I had a ribbon to go with it too, but I couldn't put it in myself. I need Momma or Rhoda to do it, and Momma was the obvious choice.

I found my way to the dining signing room. Rhoda was already there, picking at her eggs and looking sour as usual. Momma was busy struggling Franny, the baby, into her high chair. Licking my lips, I spotted a plate of eggs at an empty spot at the table. I sat down and immediately started eating.

After a few chews, I notice Rhoda smirking at me.

"What are you lookin', at Rat Face?"

Rhoda frowned for a second, before smiling again.

"Momma! Margie's eatin' your eggs!"

Momma whipped around after finally forcing a whimpering Franny into her highchair. I out my fork down and pushed my plate away from me. Momma muttered something under her breath, gave Franny her bottle and placed a plate of buttered toast in front of me. I sucked my cheeks in, watching Momma eat the little eggs I left her.

I don't like to make my Mother feel sad. Daddy always works too hard to provide, and she stays home looking after us. She was always tired. Five kids really gave you a licking. Charlie has already running of to New York for College (which Daddy is partly paying for). Then there's Rhoda, who, at 13, strongly resembles a sick lizard left in the sun. Then me, and then Peggie, who's eight and finally Franny, who's almost one. I figure Franny has I easy. She can be a nuisance and actually get away with it.

Peggie soon barged into the room wearing nothing but overalls. Momma told her to change and put something more respectable on. I had finished my eggs by the time she came back, looking pretty miserable, if you'd asked me. I decided I wouldn't bother Momma anymore, so I let Rhoda put the ribbon in, even thought it meant her snearing about my hair.

I'll never understand how my hair came out like it did. Momma's got a soft brown and Daddy's is ashy blonde. Charlie, Rhoda and Franny have different shades of brown. Peggy's hair is silvery blonde. Rhoda says she would look pretty if she didn't insist on chopping it so short. Momma always cried about that. And me? My hair is red. And not the mice kind of red, bright, fiery orange. Another thing is my eyes. They're a startling blue. Everybody else has brown eyes, except for Charlie and Daddy, who share pale green eyes. I also have tonnes of freckles, but Peggie and Rhoda do too, so it's not that distinctive. Still, it's no secret that I look different, and Rhoda never lets me forget it. Daddy tries to comfort me by saying I look just like Granny. It's not very helpful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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