One Shot #6 - Silence (Starco AU)

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Marco Diaz sat upstairs colouring on his bed. If Jackie Lynn Thomas could see this masterpiece, she'd definitely fall head-over-heels for him. Smushing down on his red crayon, Marco made sure to not leave any white spots on his red hoodie.

   “Marco! Come on down, hijo!” His dad called.

   Marco got up and ran downstairs, his footsteps sounded like thunder on the wooden staircase.

   “Hey Mom! Dad, you wanna see what I just-”

   Marco stopped short. Standing in the living room were his parents. No biggie. However, there was something different about the living room. Sitting on the couch, was a girl. She had light blonde hair tied into a long braid, which she was compulsively stroking, her knuckle occasionally hitting the long blue strap of her shoulder bag. Her blue eyes held a lost expression, she was staring right at Marco, but she wasn't really seeing him.

   “Who's this?” Marco asked.

   “Marco this is Star,” his Mom smiled, “she's from, um, not around here. She's an exchange student actually, and she'll be staying with us for a while.” His mom's smile was so strained her eyes were twitching.

   “Why didn't I have any say in this?”

   “Marco!” Mom snapped. “Why don't you show Star to the guest room? Raphael will bring her bags up.” The girl had gotten off the couch now, looking at the photos on the wall. She was now staring at one in particular. She grabbed it and shoved it into her bag. Marco stared at her sceptically.

   “Well, come on,” he said, not taking her eyes of her for a second. The girl nodded, and followed him at the staircase. Marco's sneakers banged against the wooden stairs, while Star silently trodded up behind him.

   They eventually reached a door. Marco swung it open. It showed a fairly sized room. In a corner there was a plain bed with plain white sheets and a nightstand beside it. Adjacent to that, was a closet. The square window allowed sunshine to cast it's golden light on the plain wooden floor board. Pale blue curtains were held back by yellow ribbons. The girls frowned at the room in distaste, yet ran over to the bed and sat down. She swung her feet idly.

   Marco didn't know what it was, but watching her there all quiet made him want to say something to her, though he wasn't sure what. She may be a silent picture thief, but that didn't mean he shouldn't be hospitable.

   “So where are you from exactly?” he asked. The girl stared at him and blinked. Her eyebrows knitted together, and she pursed her lips; she actually looked scared of his question.

   Okay, then, Marco thought. He went back to his room and taped his colouring on the wall. He turned around, and swore he could have seen a lock of blonde hair sweeping away near the doorway. Marco frowned. Things were definitely going to be weird.


Star didn't seem to like talking. She didn't seem to want to talk either. Every direct word he said to her was answered with a shrug, a nod, a head shake, a nervous glance or just plain silence. She was starting to seriously creep him out. He wondered what happened to her, to make her act like this.

   The one thing that really bothered him was the way his parents were pampering her. At dinner, his Mother insisted that she had seconds, seconds which she refused anyway. Dad had taken her luggage upstairs easily, offered to help her unpack (something she also refused) and even said she could have the room redecorated if she liked (that was the only thing she readily agreed to) Why did his parents seem to like her so much? They didn't even know her.

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