Kuroko Tetsuya: Kuroko No Basuke

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It was early in the morning, rain pattered against the window, the room was dark, the outside did not provide any sort of light as the sun hid behind the dark, gloomy and rainy clouds.

You snuggled deeper into your comforter, enjoying as much warmth as you could have.

The unpleasant sound of your alarm jolted you awake, causing you to groan as you tiredly turned it off.

Even though it was the weekend, you had to wake up early for guitar lessons.

You groggily dragged your body out of the bed and prepared for your day.

By the time you had finished, you had ten minutes before you had to leave when you heard a knock on the door.

Setting your hot chocolate down, you made you way to the door and opened it only to find that there was no one.

"Hi." A soft voice says and you jumped as Kuroko made his presence known.

"What are you doing in the rain?!" You pulled him in, shutting the door behind him.

The poor bluenette was shivering as he was drenched from head to toe, water still dripping off him and unto the hardwood floor.

His hair was completely soaked, just like his basketball jersey.
You ran and grabbed a towel, quickly wrapping it around him.

"We had basketball practice this morning, right after practice was over, it started pouring, I forgot my umbrella and your home was closer to the school than my home is, I hope you don't mind." He explained while you brought him to the bathroom, leaving a trail of water as the two of you walked there. 

"I don't mind, you should take a warm shower." You say and he nod, once he was inside, you went to make him a cup of hot chocolate.

Just as you finished making the hot chocolate, he walked into the kitchen, with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I don't have any clothes." He blushed when he sees you blushing at his current "outfit".

"Le-let me g-get some from my dad's room." You stuttered, feeling your face heat up.

When you had returned, Kuroko was already drinking the hot chocolate.

You handed him the clothes, your face still red from earlier, he thanked you and went off the change. Meanwhile, you grabbed your coat and wore it, getting ready to leave, your guitar were packed and slung over your shoulder.

Kuroko was still shivering despite the warm sweater and sweat pants he was wearing, his face looked paler than usual and he looked more tired.

Worried, you pressed the back of your hand onto his forehead, it felt hotter than usual and you frowned.

"Stay here and don't move." You ran and grabbed a thermometer.

When you grabbed the thermometer, you had also took a warm blanket, you draped the blanket around his shoulders before taking his temperature.

You frowned deeper when you realized that he has fever.

"I'll text your parents that you're at my house, I have to go to guitar lessons, I'll be back with medicine, you should lie on my bed and rest, will you be fine?" He nods but you still felt a little doubtful about leaving him to take care of himself.

"You sure? I can always tell my teacher that I can't make it." Kuroko felt his heart beat faster at how you were so concern over him.

"It's fine, you should probably leave or you might be late." You agreed though still a little hesitant.

"Alright, love you." You tiptoed and pecked his forehead, giving him a smile as you left.

Kuroko tiredly dragged himself to your room, he buried himself with your thick comforter, feeling the warmth enveloped his, he sighed in content.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, your sweet scent making it easier for him to fall asleep.

After 50 minutes, he had woken up, he felt much better than he did earlier.

Wrapping the blanket around him, he wandered in your room, seeing details that he had not noticed before.

The house was silent, so he knew you were not back yet.


Guitar lessons ended earlier than usual, to which you were thankful for, you rushed to the pharmacy, buying some medicine for Kuroko, heading straight home after you paid.

Usually, you would've announced your presence in the house but thinking that Kuroko was asleep, you chose to not disturb him.

You opened the door quietly, expecting to see Kuroko lying in bed, asleep, but much to your embarrassment, you see your boyfriend holding your black bra, staring at it curiously.

"Hey!" Red burst on your cheeks, feeling more embarrassed by the moment.

You snatched your bra from his hand and stuffed it back into your drawer.

"You didn't tell me you wear such bras." He says bluntly and you couldn't help but want to bury yourself in a hole and never return.

"Well, I do! So there's that!" You tried to sound confident but he could easily tell you were embarrassed. 

A smirk appeared on his lips and you felt annoyed.

"When did you get so perverted?" You muttered, gently placing your guitar down.

"I'm a growing teenage boy with hormones, I've always been perverted, just that I don't show that side to anyone."

"Except for me obviously." The red color in your cheeks turned to a dark shade of pink.

You took out the medicine, prepared to give him some.

"For the record, I think you would look great in a black bra like that." Yes, Kuroko has always been blunt, but not up to this extent, the color on your cheeks returned to its red color as embarrassment made itself at home.

"S-shut u-up!"

Anime One Shots: Reader InsertHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin