Akashi Seijuro:Kuroko no Basuke

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Akashi Seijuro:
You used your hands and pretended it was a mouth, moving your fingers up and down, you changed your voice into a high pitched voice and mimicked what your Boyfriend had said just a few seconds ago.

"Since I'm absolute, I'm always right." Sometimes you get so annoyed with his cocky attitude and his ego bigger than the Empire State Building.

"Well, if you're ALWAYS right, I'll ask you a few questions and see if you can answer them correctly, if you get the answers correct, I'll admit you are right and I'll never doubt you again." You placed your hands on your hips, a devious smile written on your face.

"With an additional of you doing whatever I want you to do for a day if I get all the answers correct." Your Boyfriend added, an amused smile on his face.

"Deal, with the condition that if I win, you would have to do anything I want for the rest of the day." You grinned, a yawn slowly made its way to your mouth and you yawned, causing Akashi to internally fangirl at your cuteness.

You were the only person who could make Akashi seem like a soft teddy bear, maybe it was the way you acted, when you first met him, you were not intimidated by him at all, you might have been a little bit air headed.

"My favorite Color?"
"(Your favorite Color)." Akashi replied in less than a minute.
"Hobbies?" He replied to you answer as quickly as the first.
You gritted your teeth, trying to prove Akashi wrong, this questions have been to easy, you needed to make the questions harder.

"My length when I was born?"
Again, he replied quickly, you sometimes wondered if he was a walking machine full of information in his head.

"Are you stalking me?" You squinted your eyes at him suspiciously.
"I'm your Boyfriend, I should know this type of things." He replied casually.

"Well, yeah but isn't that a little too personal?" He shrugged.
"Okay, I've got a good question." Seijuro turned his head to you, an amused smile played on his lips.
"What do I love most about you?"

He froze, he had never actually thought about it before. He knew you loved him, but he didn't know what you specifically loved about him. For once,he was stumped.

He knew that he had to find the correct answer if not, he loses.
"This question is not exactly fair." Your Boyfriend grumbled, after thinking for a few minutes.
Was it his eyes that you loved most about him? Maybe it was the way he talked? Or the way he acts? He couldn't quite figured out, it really made him frustrated.

"First of all, there wasn't any rules, secondly, life isn't fair, and third, I'll take it as you don't know the answer, and fourth, I'm pretty sure I won." You smirked victoriously.

After a bit of struggling with himself, he managed to spat out the words, admitting that you had won.

"Since I won, can you carry me on your back until we reach our apartment? I'm getting tired." You felt a yawn rising up as your eyes became more droopy than it was before.

"That's it? You're going to waste the last 3 hours of the day sleeping? When you can be ordering me around?" You and Akashi was taking a walk at the nearby lake, it was already dark, and you and your Boyfriend we're so caught up in chatting with each other that even though the sky became dark, you both didn't really notice how late it was getting.

"It was a stupid challenge anyways, beside, I'm nowhere near as evil as you." You teased as you got on his back, your voice sounding exhausted.

"Oh! And Seijuro?" Your Boyfriend hummed in response.
"You know what I love about you?" You paused, exhaustion quickly taking over your body.
"Everything." That was the last word you said before you entered dream land.

Your Boyfriend couldn't help but smile, you were the only girl that made laugh, the only girl who had his switch personality in control, heck even his other personality loved you. You were also the only girl who had captured his heart.

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