Ciel Phantomhive:Black Butler

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Ciel Phantomhive X Reader

A/n: It's been years since I watched Black Butler so forgive me if I get the facts wrong, also, in this one shot, you and Ciel is about 16-17 years old.

You were strolling through the street, enjoying the warm summer breeze, smiling occasionally at the shopkeepers.
You grabbed a shiny, red apple, tossing a coin to the shopkeeper before taking a bite of the juicy fruit.
Suddenly, there were voices of yelling and you see some stalls before pushed over, yells of the word 'thief' was heard among other commotion.
Frowning, you decided whether you should interfere.
You groaned and started chasing the thief, jumping over the fallen stalls and products.
"Damn it, it was supposed to be my off day." Sprinting faster, you were quickly catching up to the thief.
"I'm borrowing this." You said quickly, picking up a necklace, you swung it and released it, the shot directly hitting the thief at the back of his head.
He fell forwards and you sat on him, preventing him from moving.
You asked one of the shopkeepers for a rope which they gladly handed to you, tightly tying him up, you handed the thief over to the shopkeeper, allowing him to do whatever he wanted with the thief.
The shopkeeper thanked you as you helped pick up some of the mess.
The sapphire blue necklace which you had used earlier had scratches and was dirty, you dusted it and slipped it into your pocket.
"How much was the necklace?" You asked the girl who was selling the jewelry.
"Two gold coins." She replied and you rummaged in your pocket, taking out two old coins and handed it to her.
Before other people could thank you for catching the thief, you had already disappeared.


Seeing the Queen's seal, you immediately knew that you had another mission, carefully opening the letter, you started reading it.
After you read the note, you started to prepare for the next day.
From knives to daggers to a sword, you were definitely prepared.
Just as Ciel was called the 'Queen's Watchdog', you were called the 'Queen's Assassin'.
For this mission, you were going to be working with Ciel, mainly, your job for the mission was to be the back up in case anything goes wrong for Ciel's meeting with a dangerous company but that wasn't your main mission.
If the company doesn't agree to the deal that the queen is going to propose through Ciel, your job was to eliminate the boss, that was your main mission.
Once everything had been prepared, you climbed into your bed and fell asleep.


You growled in frustration, tossing a dagger into a man's chest, instantly killing him.
How it became like this, you didn't know.
When you arrived at the exact timing the Queen said you should there, everything was a mess, somehow, Ciel had gotten injured,Sebastian was fending off the company's people.
You swung down with a rope, slashing as you went for Ciel, you had already killed the boss, but if you don't fight your way out of here , all three of you would be dead, at least that's what you thought, you didn't know that Sebastian is a demon.
"Let's go!" You yelled, trying to support Ciel while you killed.
Ciel groaned and tried to walk, staggering with each step.
You had to let go of Ciel, taking your sword, you threw it, hitting your target, you ran up the wall, pulling your sword out of his body, you used your leg and pushed off against the wall, slashing your sword at another target.
"I can kill, I can run, but carrying you? I'm not that strong yet, no offense but you're pretty heavy so please work with me here." You muttered defending Ciel the other arm supporting him.
You managed to bring Ciel to safety, Sebastian closely following.
Your eyes flickered to the boy you were supporting, his shirt seemed slightly burned, revealing his chest, your eyebrows rose when you saw a mark, Ciel eyes followed your gaze and he tried to cover it up.
Through the whole process, his eyepatch had fallen, his hair covered his eye slightly but since you were an assassin, you were trained to notice even the smallest detail.
Leaning him against the tree, you sat down beside him, catching your breath.
"I'm guessing that you're the demon? Devil?" You said to Sebastian.
"What?" Sebastian seemed a little surprise, just like Ciel.
"Your eye makes it very obvious, and it isn't uncommon for a demon to be close to their masters so I can only assume that you are the demon." You explained your analysis.
"Who are you?" Ciel questioned, he remembered your face from when he saw you catch a thief by he didn't knew exactly who you were.
"I'm known as the Queen's Assassin, pleasure to meet you." You stuck out your hand for him to shake.


After working with Ciel for a few months, you couldn't deny the feelings that was growing steadily for the Earl.
You didn't say anything about it though, knowing that he had a fiancée already.
Whether he loved her or not, you didn't know, either ways, it's still pained you.
When you first found out that he was engaged, something within you changed, and you seemed colder, you talked less, appeared to be more serious.
Currently, you, Ciel and Sebastian had to find your way back home.
It was another mission to which all of you had accomplished but on your way back, there were some complications which resulted in a broken and useless carriage and severely injured bodies so all you could do is go walk to the nearest town.
"We should rest here, we got two more days to go till we reach." You said, collecting wood to start a fire.


Sebastian was guarding and keeping watch while you and Ciel stayed close to the fire, you had fallen asleep.
Ciel laid awake, staring at the starry night sky, his head wrapped in his thoughts when he heard a whimper coming from you.
Getting up from his position, he moved over to you.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please! Stop!" You were tossing and turning, your facial expression showed distress, Ciel figured that you were having a nightmare, so he shook you awake.
"(Y/n), wake up." You jolted up, breathing heavily until you registered that you were safe.
"Are you okay?" Ciel asked and you nod.
"Just a stupid memory." You muttered, running your finger through your hair, you couldn't sleep anymore, not after that dream you had.
Ciel and you sat side by side, looking up at the sky in silence until he spoke up.
"How did you become a assassin?"
You chuckled.
"It's a long story."
"We've got time."
"I watched my parents get murdered when I was 7, by a cult, they took me in, I was a slave for three years. They even gave me this." You lifted your dress, revealing the same mark that Ciel had.
"They tried to offer me as a sacrifice but I managed to escape,they caught me again, but this time they weren't going to sacrifice me, they trained me to kill. I managed to escape when I was 12. I've been stealing to survive for a year when I was offered a job by the Queen herself." You sighed, remembering the memories.
"She paid me whenever she needed someone killed, so I didn't have to steal. I've been her Assassin since then till now. To be honest, if I could escape this life, I would. They say killing steals a small piece of your soul, they were right." You stayed silent after that.
Ciel felt an odd feeling to want to protect you, you acted all strong and bold but you were just a small, innocent girl who grew up too fast and learned the terrors of what the world is. Just like him.
If he hadn't been looking at you, he wouldn't have caught the tears that were streaming down your face.
Boldly, he pulled you to his chest, surprising you.
You had thought that he would hate you after hearing your past, so when he hugged you, you didn't know what to feel.
"I...I love you (Y/n)." Ciel confessed and you froze.
"What about Elizabeth, you are engaged to her."
"It was an arranged marriage, the one I truly love is you, the only one I want to marry is you. So screw this arranged marriage, I want you." Your heart beat faster at his words and you didn't know what to say.
"I will call the marriage off, for now, just lay in my arms." Obeying him, you laid down, his arms still not letting go of you.
"I really do love you." Ciel whispered into your ear.
"I love you too."

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