Chapter Four: The Friend She Forgot

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This isn't like a peck on the lips kiss it was a passionate kiss as we kiss I slid my tongue in her mouth and I grab her hips and pull her closer to me eventually she wraps her arms around my neck and we stand there kissing in a small alley when I pull away


"Okay kiss Michelle..Check"

"That was amazing....Michelle"

And she leans in again and kisses me but not as passionate and she pulls away saying...

"Yep your a great kisser Cameron!"

"Not to ruin the momentum but it's almost midnight so I have to get you home or your father will torture me!"

"Ha Okay"

-back at Michelle's-



"Hi Mr Parker here she is"

"Ah I knew you were a good boy we'll see ya Cameron"

"Bye Mr Parker and bye Michelle" I say and I kiss her on the cheek and head home


This boy is amazing to me and he's a great kisser even better than Justin..

I just have to go to school tomorrow and try to not to tell Justin anything about last night or otherwise Cameron is dead....

"Hey Robin!"

"Hey did you hear there a new Bad Boy at our school and he has his eyes on you!!!"

"Uh no that's not happening I don't like assholes!"

"Hey Baby..."

"Excuse me but do I know you?"

"You will once we hook up..."


"I'm Bryce what's yours.."

"Wow you hook up with someone before even asking their name wow attractive..."

"Now please piss off"

"Ooh feisty me likey!"

"Ooh me likey to kick your balls"

And of course I kick his balls and walk away from him

"pppffft Hahahhaha that was amazing Michelle!!?"

"So glad you didn't do that to me when we met Shell"

"Hey, Cameron!!"

"Did you enjoy last night?"

"Of course I did"

"Hey look V it's the girl who still has her V-card"

"Oh look it's Barbie and her sluts! Nice to see you not naked humping a guy NEW WORLD RECORD EVERYONE!!!!"

"Shut up you slut!"

"Umm I think your the slut?"


"Seriously you could've dated Cameron before I met him so it proves that your trying to ruin my life instead of liking him but I don't care about Bryce he hooks up with girls before he asks for their name so if you enjoy that go right ahead *cough* slut"

"Aaah you've passed the line bitch!"

And she slaps me

"Oh no you didn't SLUT!"

And I push her over

"You ruined my pink Kim K Slut Skirt!"

"Don't worry isn't "daddy" going to buy you a new one?"

"Oh yeah okay thanks bitch!"

And she walks away

"Well that wasn't confusing"

"I know!"

"Anyway what happened last night you didn't have sex did you?"

"Oh my god no we didn't we just went out on a date and we well kissed after an ice cream"

Yet again Justin overheard our conversation behind a bush


I heard everything I'm broken she kissed that nerd but boy I almost died when she balled that guy ha that was fuking funny!!


I can't believe she doesn't remember me I was her neighbor for like six years but when she moved away I admitted my feelings for her and we kissed what we shared was magic I just can't believe she forgot o have to ask her tomorrow if she remembers me well she kinda didn't look at my purple eyes so she didn't remember me just I have to an her tomorrow.

-the next day-

As I walk into the school I approach Michelle and I say....

"Look into my eyes"

"Oh my god Bryce as in Virgin Bryce?"


"Oh my fuck it's been forever how's it been still a virgin?"

"Well I'm not a virgin anymore I kinda got drugged by the school slut and she took my virginity but other than that it's been normal"

And I hug her

"Hey! What the hell are you doing with him!"

"It's okay Cam he's my childhood friend"

"Okay well then a friend of Shell's is a friend of mine I'm Cameron Wood nice to meet to.....Bryce was it?"

"Yes Bryce Anders nice to meet you too"


"Okay well come on Shell we have to go to Science oh and Bryce it was nice to meet you"

I thought to myself what if I was no I can't be....

The Friend she Forgot....


-next update 20th Jan (or possibly earlier?)-

Chapters 5,6 and maybe 7 also check out my new story Ten years from My love!


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