Chapter 4: Sharing Secrets

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A/n sorry I'm not updating this sooner but school and hw has kept me busy again I'm sorry. Now on to the story!!

*Le Time skip to morning*

When I got up the next morning I was greeted by Y/N jumping on my bed. 

"LILITH, LILITH GET UP!!" Said a very excited Y/N. 

"Ok, ok I'm up, I'm up" I replied shaking my head. 

Y/N had their F/C A/E and A/T showing. 

"Y/N your A/E and A/T are showing" I said worried.

 "Oh....oops"Y/N said making her ears and tail disappear. 

Baby then comes in, "hey girls breakfast is ready."

 Y/N and I nod our heads.
*Time skip brought to you by exotic butters*
After we ate breakfast I thought about telling Baby and the gang about our secret. I looked at Y/N and I could tell they were thinking the same thing
I thought about showing them our secret and I saw Lilith looking at me and I could see she was thinking the same thing
~My POV~
I looked away and walked to my room with Y/N following and could see Baby looking at us with confusion as we walked. When we got up to my room we sat on the bed.

"Should we tell 'em?" I asked, my pirate accent kicking in, looking at you, "ye remember the last time."

"Ya I do", Y/N said, "but I don't think they'll kick us out cause look at Bon-Bon, Freddy, and Foxy they all have animal ears."

 I nodded and sighed, "well here goes nothing."

Y/N and I walked back downstairs and Baby asked us what was wrong.

"Well..." I started and looked at Y/N.

"We have something we want to show you," Y/N added.

"But we want to show everyone at the same time" I finished and Y/N nodded.

"Ok sure thing I'll get the others" Baby said smiling as she left to go get the others.

I sigh, "well I guess there's no backing out now."

Y/N nodded as we went to the living room.

"What do you want to tell us?" Baby asked a little worried.

"Well..." I started.

"We are part animal, like I'm part (Animal) and (insert any special ability you might have) and Lilith is part wolf, and has a pirate accent and can teleport!" Y/N interrupted.

"Yyyyy/Nnnnnn you were supposed to wait." I complained.

"Sorry", was all Y/N said while shrugging. 

Baby, Foxy, Ballora, Freddy, and Bon-Bon just stood there shocked.

"Uh.... I think we broke them" I said looking at them confused.

"Or.... They are trying to comprehend what the heck I just said," Y/N said crossing her arms.

"Can you show us?" Bon-Bon asked excitedly.

I nod and let my dark grey wolf ears and wolf tail with a black tip.

And Y/N letting her F/C A/E and A/T pop out too.

"Wow!!" Bon-Bon practically yelled.

"Wow..." Was all everyone else was able to say.

I was a bit worried so was Y/N, "so are you going to kick us out cause we're freaks?" I ask a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Oh no, no, no we would never" Foxy responded coming up to hug me.

I smile "thank ye mate."

She smiled back "anything for me fellow crew members." 

Then we all lived happily ever after. The End

Nope jk its not the end I'll post another chapter soon hopefully until then bai mates!! ~Lilith

Adopted by BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora