Chapter 5

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A/N Hey guys sorry i haven't been updating much but IM BACK NOW!! (yay!)


*The next day*

(My POV)

I woke up the next glad that they didn't kick us out.

I walk over to Y/N's room and yelled "Y/N!! wake up please." I then walk over to her bed and shake them. "Y/N!! WAKE UP!!" I shout. 'Ugh they're impossible to wake up' I think. 'Wait...' I smirk 'I  know how i can get them up.' "Y/N," I say while smirking, "look outside it snowing!"

(Y/N's POV)

I woke up to hearing Lilith say its snowing. I believed her and shot out of bed and looked out side to see that there was no snow. I look back at Lilith to see her smirking.

"Ugh LILITH!!" I wine.

Ugh i just want to punch her right now, but i know i can't do that because she'll teleport.

(My POV)

'Welp' that got her out of bed" i think.

"Y/N you put yourself up to this, since you wouldn't wake up" I say as innocently as i could. Next thing I hear is baby running up the stairs.

"What's going on?!" she says out of breath.

"Y/N wouldn't get out of bed so i tricked her by saying that there was snow outside" I said nonchalantly.

"And I believed it and now I really want to punch her." Y/N finished pointing at me.

Baby sighs with her arms crossed, while shaking her head, "really girls?"

(Baby's POV)

"Yes" Said both of them at once.

I sighed and said, "well I was going to say that breakfast is ready, but it seems that both of you need a time out." 'That should get them to apologize' I thought.

Next thing I know they both quickly apologize and rush downstairs. I sigh and smile. I then follows them downstairs.

*After breakfast*

(My POV)

After I finish my breakfast I get a strange feeling that someone's trying to telepathically communicate with me. I decide to ignore it and see if it goes away. A few minuets later i'm in my room and I get the same feeling again. This time, however, I try to communicate back.

I get a reply "meet me in the forest outside the pizzeria." I ask when they want meet to meet them.

They replied back with "tonight."

A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating sooner, but I've had some personal issues. sooo... I'll try to update soon. Bai 4 now my wolves >_0

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