Survival (pic of Marcus)

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I awoke tied to a bed with a terrible headache, i could hear someone say well well well you are finally awake. I tried to lift my head to see who was talking but i couldn't move. His voice was gritty and he moved closer to the bed and came into my view. He was a gorgerous man albeit a little older maybe close to Snake's age and i am assuming it was him who had kidnapped me. The man contined to say i am Marcus i will be entertaining you for the unforseeable future. I just laughed telling him "um ya not happening my guys will be here to get me soon and than you will be dead, you don't touch Viper property and live". Marcus just said, "oh i know sweetheart my brother tried and i am guessing Snake killed him since that is who you were banging at the time. Now you are Viper's and Venom's woman but i know all three are going to feel this loss.

Omg you're Mikey's brother, what do you mean loss and how do you know so much about the Vipers i asked? Well mamita Marcus started i am Marcus Castille, i just sucked in my breath hoping it was not the same Castille as in the Castille Cartel. It looked like it was because he just grinned saying, i guess you have heard of me, well good now you know how i know so much about the MC and about you too love. The loss is for them to know i have their princess and they are not going to get you back and i am going to love breaking you. See love, as he brushed his knuckles down my cheek i shrunk back as much as i could on the bed saying "don't call me that", he laughed and continued like i was saying i like to be the dominent one in the bedroom and you are going to be the submissive one once i break you. You are delusional i said, "i don't take orders very well just ask Snake and i am certainly not going to sleep with you". Just saying, you may be sexy and everything but you kidnapped and drugged me, seriously not a plus to this relationship i laughed. My informant told me you would be a challenge and have a smart ass mouth Marcus was saying, i'm so glad you are exactly what he said, i'm really looking forward to this.

Marcus had a meeting to attend so he decided to leave me for a bit so i could mull over my situation, a long time later he came into the room with some food and set it on the side table of the bed. "I am not going to eat that" i said, "who knows what drugs you have put in there. Well that didn't go over to well and he proceeded to force feed me so that i would at least get some food into me. I choked on some food he was forcing down my throat and i bit his fingers holding the fork. Once he finally gave up trying to force feed me he announced it's bedtime, well i am not sleeping in same bed as you i told him. He just snickered since i was still handcuffed to the bed, "ya it looks like you are love", he said as he undressed to his boxers then climbed into the bed and pulled the covers over both of us saying, "goodnite my love". Grrrr i was getting pissed off now, where were the guys to rescue me. This guys body is nice but no way am i going to sleep with him on my own accord. I also notice he was still calling me love. God i hate this man.

Morning came way too quickly and i was stiff from the cuffs, Marcus said he would take them off as long as i behaved. Hmm ya right i don't think so, as soon as they were off i rub my wrists for few seconds then i ran for the door i opened it and ran into what i thought was a wall. Holy this guy was massive he grabbed me before i hit the floor on my ass and pushed me backwards towards Marcus and shut the door. I regonized that guy, oh wow Snake was going to be pissed he was one of ours. That is probably how they kidnapped me so easily out the side door, he was supposed to be on guard there i'm assuming.

Marcus was fuming and he simply grabbed me and opened a door to a cage which i just noticed was in the room, i guess this was brought in overnight and i didn't even hear them; he threw me onto a mattress that was in there along with some devices which i did not want to know what they were used for and slammed the door shut locking it. Marcus proceeded to tell me i was going to be punished for disobeying him but first he had a meeting to attend; he than dressed and left me to ponder my punishment, what was he going to do i thought bore me to death.

Back at the compound everyone was trying to track where Angel had been taken; Snake was fuming and throwing stuff everywhere no one would even go near him, Viper and Venom were wearing i will rip your head off if you dare talk to me faces and had all their contacts on the lookout and they were out searching along with the whole club. The guys were not going to let anyone take their Angel away from them as soon as she was back both of them had agreed they were going to claim her. She would not have to chose between the two brothers, they would share her and protect her with their lives.

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