Rescue? (Pic of Santo's)

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Well i am still waiting for the guys to come rescue me and it is getting hard to fight Marcus off. If i don't get out of here soon he is going to rape me; he told me this morning he would be back in an hour and we were going to spend some time together playing. I here footsteps outside the door of the bedroom and voices talking and once the door opens in walks Marcus and his guard Santo's who is suppose to be a member of the Vipers. They shut the door behind them and both stalked to the cage. Unlocking the door Santos grabs me roughly and pulls me to the bed tying me down on it as i struggle for all its worth. I'm yelling at him that when Snake finds out he betrayed the club he is dead, he just chuckled saying i'm not the only one betraying the club. Boss you have a hellcat here Santo's tells him, Marcus remarks yes i think i do and now its time to taste the spitfire.

Marcus removed the long shirt i had on with his knife while he slowly caresses the knife down my cheek and neck to my breasts. I only had my bra and underwear on and Marcus slowly removes my undies as he takes in the sight of my pu##y he smirks and remarks no wonder my brother thought you were worth dying for, shit i really gotta have a taste of you. Marcus than uses his mouth and tongue on my clit and groans as he tastes me, i was still trying to thrash around which only makes him moan more. I could see how excited he was getting by the bulge in his pants. I was really wishing the guys would show up more than anything right now.

Marcus was slowly standing up now and started to remove his pants his erection was hard not to notice as he also seemed fairly big. I started to really squirm now seeing as i was about to be raped, so Santos held his arm over my chest to keep me in place as Marcus puts on a condom. Marcus than lays betweem my legs with his body weight on me as he nudges my entrance with his c##k. I was screaming now so Santo's covered my mouth with his hand and i laid there crying because i could do nothing else. It seemed like forever and he was thrusting so hard inside me when Marcus finally came and  withdrew from my body, he had been hushing me and calling me baby and my love throughout the ordeal like he was making love to me. He was not though in truth he had just raped me just like his brother had tried to do the only difference being Marcus didn't hit me. Marcus got rid of the condom and dressed himself while  telling Santo to leave me like this on the bed as after his meeting he was coming to get another taste as he was now addicted to my taste and my body, no one was to come near me as he was not sharing his property.

They left the room and i was crying and could not stop now but at least he was not going to share me, as i was laying there for a few hours i heard a ruckus and than shouting, and gunfire. Thank god i think the guys found me, the door open to the room and i thought it would be Viper or Venom but it was Marcus. He untied me from the bed and threw handcuffs on my wrists and put me on the mattress in the cage telling me he would be back soon love then we are leaving for Mexico. I had taste of you i am not leaving you here like i planned, shit i was thinking to myself the guys better hurry up before this dick gets back. I'm was lying there when the door opened again but this time Viper and Venom surged through it. That was when i collapsed onto the mattress i was finally saved. The guys yelled to Snake they had found me, he to rushed into the room took one look at me and swore punching holes in the wall around him. Viper unlocked the cage and wrapped me in a blanket while picking me up to carry me outta the house to a waiting truck.

Once back at the clubhouse they took me to my room and laid me on the bed and ask the club Dr to come look at my wrists that were bloodied and raw from the ropes while trying to escape along with the bruising on my thighs and chest from being held down. I looked at the guys and said, "i'm ok guys really"; Snake looked at me saying don't f##king lie to us Angel. Marcus taped that shit and sent it to my phone, we heard and saw the whole thing. We saw you crying and screaming along with Santos holding you down because you were fighting so hard even when you were already tied to the bed. He then asked me how i had been able to keep you a secret for so long when we were together; that i should have shared you because you were the best he has tasted and he was taking you to Mexico with him. We almost came out of our skins watching and hearing that shit but the call helped us get a locale on you baby. I just wish we could have gotten there faster sweetheart. I looked to the guys and said, "i need to talk to you three alone now please".

Viper kicked everyone out and him, Venom and Snake looked at me as i started to tell them Santo's was not the only rat. When i was yelling at him that you guys would kill him for his betrayal, he told me he isn't the only one betraying the club i told them. Viper kick the wall putting his boot right through the wall, i think there are alot of holes to be fixed in the clubhouse after these last few days. I needed sleep i had not had any, without being drugged that is, for days; i asked the guys to stay with me. I needed to be held i told them, they both said ok baby as long as your sure and i know they were worried i would freak since i was assualted. I was suprised too but i needed their warmth and touch so i could sleep, i told the guys i don't think this is over yet. They both sucked in their breaths and did not reply, that was my answer it indeed was not over yet.

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