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As Viper and Venom watch waiting for backup they can see through a window in what looks like a bedroom; there on a bed is Angel lying handcuffed to it and Striker the VP of the Devil's is in the room with her. The urge to go in there with guns a blazing is etched on both of their faces as the rest of the guys talk them down from doing. A vehicle pulls up the driveway, stops and Demon steps out of it, opening the trunk he lifts what looks to be a beat up Marcus. Well holy f##k Demon found Marcus and is probably going to kill him for what he did to Angel. Viper took pics of this so they have proof in case anyone tries to pin Marcus's murder on their club. Demon drags Marcus to a side door of the cabin entering it with a couple of men behind him. Viper switches the scope he is looking through back to the room were Angel is, Demon has since entered the room now.

Striker stands up from the chair he was sitting in and by the looks of it is on his cell. He wildly gesters something to Demon then we all hear the cop cars coming. Angel can hear the cop cars in the distance and Demon unties me from the bed but leaves the cuffs on me. Throwing me over his shoulder roughly getting ready to take off i watch in horror as we get to the living room and Marcus is on the floor bleeding profusely from stab wounds no doubt Demon gave him. I cringed and hide my face and i hear him giving orders to his men about where to meet once they leave here. Striker realizes they won't make it to far with me slowing them down so he tells Demon leave the bitch we will come back another time for your ol' lady. Demon does not like this but agrees he puts me on the couch and kisses me roughly telling me not to get comfortable with Viper and Vemon, he will be back soon for me,  he then disappeared out the back door.

I was laying on the couch where Demon had left me when the front door burst open with Viper and Venom rushing through it. I yelled i'm on the couch not two seconds later i was thrown over Venom's shoulder as he took me outside. He put me down by one of the clubs vans using a universal key to unlock the cuffs. They hugged me as they checked me over to make sure i had no obvious injuries and asked if Demon or any of the Devil's had hurt me. I told them i was ok nobody had touched me other than Demon, even Striker hadn't. They wanted this kept in house so no one rode off after the Devil's and their new president so that the cops would not have evidence that they killed Demon when they finally did kill him. The gang taskforce would of course hear rumors and lots of it but there would be no concrete evidence against the club.

I was pulling on my boots as an ATF agent and a gang taskforce agent came over to talk to me about what happened, of course they wanted to talk to me alone but Venom and Viper told them no way. I said "oh now you want to hear what i have to say not like when an asshole tried to rape me and his asshole brother finally did while you guys did nothing". The ATF Agent then told me, you have been through alot we know this but we need to ask questions, i looked at him and finally blew out a breath fine for f##k sakes. They ask who had killed Marcus and i told them i don't know he was like that when we all found him in the living room. Which of course they stated in a sarcastic way, ya of course you don't know. Then i told them the whole story leaving out a few pieces here and there. U have been the center of attention and rumors in the underground for months now but you do not know a thing we find that hard to believe the one guy said. I shrugged my shoulders and told them to talk to my lawyer while also saying i'm leaving i need a shower, to get laid and after some rest. Goodnight agents i said and walked away heading towards the van, i could hear them say to the guys she knows more than she is saying and you guys know it. Ugh i just wanted to go home so i beeped the horn letting the guys know i was impatient.

The agents told the guys they didn't want a street war on their hands as they knew the Russians would support the club and the Albanians would support the Devil's. Too much blood shed over one pu##y, this has gone on long enough. Both Viper and Venom agreed with them about it being long enough but told the agents don't ever talk about their woman like that again she is worth the blood stains, they did not care who they are they would take them out cop or not. The guys proceeded to the van and slid in the back with me as we left for the clubhouse.

Once we pulled into the lot the guys got out and then Viper carried me bridal style to the meeting room for church i can walk you know i told him. Viper just smirked as he set me in a chair i started to tell everyone who was at the meeting how i went back to put the money away like i always do. I  was just about to lock the office door when i felt someone behind me, i turned as they put their arm around my waist pulling me towards their chest. I knew by the feel of the arm it was Demon and i seen his face as i turned, then i felt a pinch at my neck and he threw me over his shoulder. We went out the back door to a van that was waiting there, i blacked out and awoke handcuffed and tied to the bed with splitting headache.

Viper and Venom both had faces of stone by the time i was done telling them about what happened, they both said in unison to Snake that Demon was their's to take out. No i cried and both of them turned to me and said, "baby he touched you, took you to be his ol' lady when you are ours. I looked at them and stated i'm not a piece of property and he did it out of love, even though i don't love him that way it's kinda sweet. Snake looked at me yelling mamita do you know what the Devil's could have done to you, i swear you have a death wish especially the way you told Striker off. He could have killed you, jesus we need to lock you in a room until your 50. Ugh its not like i ask for all this shit to happen i said. How did you find me anyways? Viper answered me, your so called friend Colton had some feelers out there and a few tips paid off especially the rumor about Demon being the new President of the Devil's.  Also him having a new ol' lady and we seen the footage from the bar we knew it was him. We just didn't know where he took you, but Colton found out the Devil's own a cabin up by the lake. We found it and got there but Demon pulled up in a vehicle with Marcus in it. We heard the cop cars and knew we needed to let the Devil's go for now but this is war now. Marcus will be taken out in prison. Your boy Colton saved you but i don't like him you know this. Plus he has contacts he shouldn't have, "I don't want you near him", Viper said. My face turned red and Ripper yelled look out she is going to blow. I turned to both Viper and Venom yelling while throwing what ever i could get my hands on at them telling them that they could go to hell they can't tell me what to do. Viper just said wanna bet, we will handcuff you to the bed and only let you up for bathroom breaks if we have to. Ripper then piped up what is it with you guys and handcuffs like does she have a thing for them or something and if she does where can i find one as perfect as her, without the kidnappings of course. Snake, Viper and Venom all answered at the same time, yes she has a thing for cuffs and she broke the mould so there is no more like our Angel. At that i was thrown over Venom's shoulder and off to the room we went. I lifted my head and waved saying night guys,  everyone yelled night Princess good to have you back.

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