Getting on the boat

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Randi's POV
"Why did you drag me here!" I say.
"Because you're lonely and need to meet people."
Sarah exclaims.
I state "First off I don't believe in love, Secondly you came here to see the Impractical Jokers."
"Okay fine you caught me, but seriously you need to at least try to meet people." I say. "Okay take my stuff I'm going to get a beer."
"Oh God I better not get between you and your beer." Sarah says.
"Haha so funny!"
On my way down I bump into a really good looking guy we both say "Sorry!" in unison.
"Hi I'm Randi."
"Hi I'm Sal, Sorry I was going to get my room key so I could go get a beer."
"Well Sal maybe we could get a beer together because I was heading down to the bar to get one."
Sal says "That would be nice but I've never seen a fan act so calm around me."
I say in confusion "Fan...umm...sorry I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh okay...Well I'm gonna go put my luggage in my hotel room before fangirls swarm me lol."
"Here let me help you." I say.
"Damn you're cute, nice, helpful and I've got a beer date with you. Did you fall from heaven." Sal states with a hint of laughter.
I say "No but I did scrape my knees crawling up from hell."
Sal says with sarcasm "You from never. Haha I like your sense of humor."
As we are on our way to get a beer fangirls swarm us.

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