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Sal's POV
"I think I'm only gonna say one line so it's really funny and see if she gets it."
"That would be hilarious. She would totally get it."
Randi was putting on a a grey and red flannel over a black tank top with black skinny jeans.
"You look beautiful." Going and hugging her from behind.
"You're too sweet."
"I've heard that one before ;)"
"Oh shut up and quit being weird."
"Oh yeah I'm the weird one. I don't say I'm the dark lord Satan to christians while haven't fake blood pour from my mouth and eyes."
"Hahahahahaha. Oh god that was funny every one was freaking out."
"Yeah it was pretty funny."
"I don't understand where I come up with this stuff at."
"I don't either but it was still fucking hilarious."
We walk down to the show/meet and greet and part separate ways. But before we do I pull Randi into a kiss. She pulls away and hugs me the goes to sit in her seat. I go back stage and prepare to say the line. As we walk on to the stage everyone is screaming except Randi. She's sitting there very calmly starting at me she winks and I wink back. I look at Joe and say "God dammit Joe why are you putting mayonnaise and peanut butter in the same jar." Randi's friends eyes got wide and I tried to hold my laughter. When the show was done we had 20 minutes before the meet and greet. So I went back to my hotel room. Randi was standing by the door.
"That was perfect she almost screamed."
"Yeah but you wanna have dinner later...after the meet and greet."
"Yeah that would be nice."

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