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Randi's POV

"I can't wait to see the look on your friends face." Sal says.
"Yeah it'll be classic." I say.
We both part are separate ways Sarah comes down the hallway. I say "What are you doing you cant be on this floor."
Sarah claims "I was looking for you, so i came here. Why are you up here anyway."
I state "Someone asked me to help them with something."
Sarah looks past my shoulder and see's Sal. As her eyes widen I say "No go back before I have to say those secrets aloud."
She says "Fine." as she walks to the elevator.
"Dude I owe you one for that." Sal says. I say "Yeah you do you're luck Q didn't open his door."
"Is she a Q fan?"
"Hell yes. She's kinda crazy."
"She can't be that bad. Can she?"
"You haven't spent your entire life with her."
"Yeah that's true."
Sarah's POV
Why is she up here. I guess it must be that new person she met. I actually can't believe that sad sack of potatoes actually met someone. I started to walk back to my room when Randi got on the elevator with me.
I say "Dude why where you up here?"
"I should be asking you that question. Why were you up here?"
"I told you I was looking for you."
"Yeah okay."
Sal's POV
"I can't believe I actually got a date with Randi. She's really cool and nice." I say to Brian.
"Yeah you better not break her heart I'm pretty sure a lot of guys would go after her."
"I think so to but she doesn't believe that. She says nobody really ever loved her. She thought she never would find love."
"Well damn...I never thought she would think that she actually really pretty."
"Yeah but I can't convince her about that...I guess she just sees beauty in us and not in herself. She would be there for everyone of us no matter what. She's helped people with things all her life but never got anything in return. She said there happiness was enough...but I could see it in her eyes she was depressed and nobody had helped her."
"Dude that's fucking deep. I've never heard you say anything like that before."

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