Get Over It

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Kesh Kesh POV

  I'm not going to sit there and listen to him be so ungrateful. You guys probably think I'm over exaggerating but your be surprised how much he acts like a baby. All I knew was he was going to hit his head on the child hard floor not freaking hurt his leg, without me he would be out cold. I'm just over it now.

  "Hey Kesha" I turn around and see a police officer. "Hey officer Cole" I say with a little enthusiasm, he's the coolest police officer I know. "Why are you walking around by yourself it's getting late?" He looks at me, and all I can do is shrug my shoulders. "Where you headed to?" He asks. "Home, I guess" "Not where you want me to take you where are you headed because I know your not walking home from here." He says and he's right a car ride from my house to here is like 30 minutes. "Can you take me to the Millennium Complex?" 

 "Wassup Kesh Kesh." Tricia says when I walk in. "Hey" I say. "You go to Alexander today." She tells me and I nod walking upstairs to Alexander's studio room. I see a bunch of my friends but I don't feel like talking to them right now.

  "Hey how's Gabe?" Logan, Sheaden, and Aiden ask. "He for hurt not you you guys worry about yourselves and get over it." I snap at them. "Forget Gabe what's wrong with you?" Aidan says. "I'm sorry for telling at toy guys. Gabe is just acting like a douche right now kinda got me acting douchish" I say. "Is douchish a word" Aidan asks touching his lip. "If it isn't it is now." I say smiling and he laughs.

  Alexander is teaching us choreography to Gangsta by Kehlani. I got the choreo down I just need to be able to dance in the same level as Aleea if not better. "Kesh your a beast ahead slow down." I take the corrections the next time and soon we're ready to film. Tim comes in trying to make jokes as usual. (Her part starts at 1:38) 😊

  Once class is over I head outside to my moms car. "Hey Babygirl, how was your day?" "Good I guess." I say tugging at my seatbelt. "How come it's an I guess?" She says mocking my tone and nudging my shoulder. "I don't  know." Honestly I never like shutting my mom out because I know she cares but I really don't know. "I think you do know" she says keeping her eyes on the road. "Mom I honestly don't think I do, I mean I feel like I do but my mind is like telling me I  don't, you know what I mean?" I say to her. "Never mind I'm going to my room" I say as we pull up to the house and I hop out of the car.

  As I'm in my room I connect my phone to the AUX cord and start working on new choreo. The music I was dancing to stops and Crazy in love starts playing and I realize it's a phone call from Kenneth. (KK=KeshKesh, KJ=Kenneth)
KK: Hey Kenneth
KJ: Hey guess what
KK: What?
KJ: Guess
KK: I don't want to tell me already
KJ: Gabe is home
KK: Oh... I honestly don't care
KJ: Why not
KK: I just don't
KJ: That's our friend you should care
KK: Dude don't tell me how I should feel and him... Your friend??? Since when didn't you take his girlfriend.
KJ: Why are you being so rude
KK: "I'm not!" I say hanging up

  I honestly don't know what's wrong with me at first I thought it was because of Gabe but I started feeling like this last night like uneasy.

  "Kesha come here" my mom yells. I get up with my dog following at me feet. "Ma'am" I say walking behind her. "Let's finish that talk we were having in the car," she says. "How can we talk about something when I don't know what it is, it's just frustrating, I literally just flipped out on Kenken for no reason and I feel bad," I huff out in one breath. "Well there had to be a reason for you to flip out, what was the conversation about?" "Nothing all he said was and I quote "guess what, guess, Gabe is home, why not, that's our friend you should care, why are you being so rude" end quote." I say memorizing or conversation vividly.

  Me and my mom were talking all night. My dad is still at work and since me and my mom were up all night talking I end up being late to school. "Miss King you're late come take your seat." Mr. Fakeman said as I walked into World History. It's gonna be a long day.

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