chapter five

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Jax's POV

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Jax's POV

I'm honestly so confused. Emma agreed to the deal that Daniel would not be included in our group. However, she just said that promises are meant to be broken. Daniel broke up a friendship between Emma and Mia just by sending Mia mixed signals and allowing her to kiss him.

I shook my head and ran my fingers through my jet black hair, "No, Emma. You're not working with him. We're splitting this group up. Emma will work with Andi. I'll work with him." Emma must have not liked this new proposition because she narrowed her eyes at me, which didn't phase me, before giving up. "Fine."

She collected her things and walked quickly out of the building. I turned my head to look at Andi and she shrugged. "Jax, I know you're trying to help. But, I think she needs closure. They dated ever since freshman year up until weeks ago." I nodded as she continued, "She may have wanted to talk to Daniel to have that closure. Jax she at least deserves answers." I sighed and walked out of the library to see her seated down a bench.

"She told you." Emma looked over at me. Her brown warm eyes were now sad instead of fulled with excitement. I sat down beside her, "You should work with Daniel. You deserve answers for what happened, Em." I grabbed her hand and smiled. She untwined our fingers only to hug me. "Thank you, Jax."


Emma's POV

I sat down across from Daniel at the 7. I nervously played with my braclet on my arm, not knowing where to begin the conversation. "You still play with bracelets." He pointed out and I nodded, "I do." I sighed before letting the words rushing out of my mouth, "Why did you cheat on me? Was I not good enough for you? I loved you, Daniel Miller. You cheated on me with my best friend! How could you do that me?" I sighed and fanned my reddened cheeks.

He sighed before shrugging, "I don't know, Emma. I guess, I always knew Mia had always liked me. But, I didn't mean for you to get hurt Emma." He reached out for my hand but I pulled it back, "Too late."

I stood up and grabbed my things, feeling on the verge of breaking down. "I trusted you, Daniel Miller. I gave you my heart and you broke it." I closed my eyelids and finally decided to let the tears fall so he can see how bad he hurt me. "I'm broken ---- beyond repair." I swiftly walked away from the table.

I sighed and unlocked my phone, opening it to contacts.

I usually called Andi after I have breakdowns, but this time I call someone else.




"Hello?" He answered.



Hello! I know it's been a long time and I am deeply and truly sorry.

However, I have give you a recap on my life.

I have been inducted into Beta Club. I have a crush on someone. 😏 I meet a new friend and I have a 3.7500 GPA! Hallelujah. 🙌

But, what's been happening for you guys?

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

I wouldn't because this sucks but please? :)

Short Story #1 • JemmaWhere stories live. Discover now