chapter six

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Jax's POV

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Jax's POV

While Emma was getting her closure with Daniel, I was going to begin my portion of our project. I checked my email again from our teacher, Mrs. Coleman.

Dear Jax, Emma, Daniel, and Andi:

Your assignment will be about the beautiful course of life. Life is a wonderful rollercoaster, students. It may be scary, but you have to face your fears and push through. There will be bumps along the way, but push on! I feel like this particular prompt will help inspire students that everyone goes through struggles and success in life, even populars. This may seem like a difficult topic. However, I'm expecting wonderful work for you guys. I would like you to each to write the thrills and the downs about your life. I expect this assignment done at the end of the school year.

Mrs. Coleman was asking each of us to write about the ups and down of our life?! I shook my head and began to type a response.

Dear Mrs. Coleman,

You are asking us to write about our lives? You expect each of us to write about the thrills and rock bottom of our lives? I think the topic is very distinct, but I do not know if I can do this assignment.

I couldn't possibly write down every emotion and thought I felt everyday through the next few months. I do not even know what I feel throughout the day!

Dear Jax,

You either do the assignment or do not. If you choose not to, this zero will effect your grade. This assignment is a test grade. Meaning, if you choose not to do this, this is worth 70% of your grade. I hope you choose wisely and alert the others. I can't wait to what you guys wrote. Your journals have been delivered to each of your houses.

As I finished reading the email, the doorbell rung. I stood up and walked to the door and opened it. Nobody was at the door.. Strange. However, I was about to close the door when I noticed a brown journal with my name embroidered on the front. It had a sticky note.

Jax, you can do this assignment. Life is tough and throw punches that we never seen coming. However, I believe this assignment might help you recover or heal from any problems. Please do this assignment, I believe in you. - Mrs. Coleman

I grabbed my phone out and texted Emma, Andi, and Daniel.

Check your emails. It's about the project.


"Emma, what's wrong?"

"I just talked to Daniel and I got your message about this project. I don't know if I can do this!"

"I believe you in you. We can get through this together."



EL FIN ( The End )

AHHH! I've finally finished this story and I am very proud of how I have ended the story. It was very short, yes. However, I am thinking of creating another story picking off where I left off.

What are your guys opinions on the project? It might feel more about the character and their emotions and thoughts. I personally think it's an good idea! ☺

How do you feel about Emma getting her closure from Daniel?

Thank you for supporting me and adding this book to your libary! 💖

However, I have come to a conclusion to finish all my books and stop making stories { maybe after this next book? ;) }. So, possibly stay tuned. ;)

Until next time,

Amba 💕

Short Story #1 • JemmaWhere stories live. Discover now