Get Out

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Somi POV

I heard something knock on my window so i decided to check it out. i found Jungkook outside. "What are you doing here? Go home!" "Jungkook come inside!" You heard your brother yell to Jungkook. OMG! I ran downstairs only to find my brother all dressed up and Jungkook ready to go to bed. "Jimin, where are you going?!" "I just wanna go to a party near by.

And since I don't trust you being alone I asked Jungkook to come over." "You promised that you'd take care of me not Jungkook?!" "Please let me go tonight? Please don't tell mom and dad. I'll buy you something. Anything." "Anything?" "Yeah!" "Okay fine!" "Yes! Thank you Somi.

I love you you're the best!" "Get out of here before I change my mind!" "Okay! Bye! Jungkook take good care of her!" And there went Jimin flying out the window. "You can sleep in his room tonight." "But I wanna sleep with you." My cheeks began to warm up. Gosh stop it Somi! "Shut up! I think you should know where his room is?" I went back to my bedroom and went back to bed. I locked my room door so he wouldn't come in.

It was the middle of the night. I couldn't go to sleep because of that Jungkook. He kept coming over to my door and knocking on my door. There he comes knocking once again! "What do you want?!!" "I can't sleep! Can I sleep with you?" "No I'm a girl! Go to bed Jungkook!" "Please?" Forget it.

If it means I get to go to sleep then gosh just let him sleep here. I opened the door and he ran inside right away. He jumped on the bed then sat by the wall. He patted the bed meaning for me to come to bed. "I'm being nice so don't touch me okay?" "I should be asking you that question my lady?" I closed the door and slept on my bed. I stayed as far as possible. I love you Jungkook but sometimes I just can't tell myself that.

Author POV
That night Jungkook felt comfortable. To comfortable that he thought it was his bed. He hugged Somi to bed. Well he purposely did that. He finally got to get close to his little fan girl. He was happy. Way too happy. That's how they slept the whole night.

My Little Fangirl Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon